Taxation in Biden’s America

Taxation in Biden’s America

Do the wealthy and corporations pay their fair share?

March 17, 2024

President Biden’s State of the Union (SOTU) screed demagogued corporations and the wealthy, alleging they do not pay their fair share of taxes. He repeated his ersatz claim that no one with income under $400,000 would pay a penny more in taxes. This post lays waste to these and other Biden assertions, whose only aim is to divide Americans by income and to engage in unrestricted class warfare based on disinformation.

person holding paper near pen and calculator
Paying Income Tax

Do the Wealthy Pay Their Fair Share?

The top 1% of earners paid 42.3% of all federal income taxes¹ which is the highest in 20 years. That same 1% reported 22.2% of income (AGI) which means that cohort paid roughly double its share of income in taxes. The wealthy’s share of taxes was even higher because AGI excludes income from 88 government programs for low-income Americans, refundable tax credits and debit cards loaded with food stamp benefits.

The top 5% of earners reported 38% of AGI, but paid 63% of all income tax.² The lowest 50% of earners reported 10.2% of AGI and paid 2.3% of all income tax. When adjusting for credits such as the EITC, the bottom 60% paid only about 1% of all federal income tax. The top 1% paid an average tax rate of 26%, while the bottom 50% paid an average rate of 3%. To put a finer point on it, the wealthy in the US pay a far higher share of taxes than in Sweden and in every other developed nation.

As progressive as are federal taxes, deep blue states are even worse. In California and New York, the top 1% of earners pays 40% of all taxes. As high earners decamp California for friendlier climes, it has caused a budget deficit of $70 billion.

Tax Increases for Under $400,000 Income

Several of Biden’s tax increases directly raised taxes on low-income Americans; the increase in cigarette taxes comes immediately to mind. However, tobacco taxes are penny ante. The killer tax increase on low-income and middle-income Americans is inflation. And yes, inflation is a tax – just like any other tax. Economists of all stripes consider inflation to be a tax. Biden’s inflation, caused by blowout spending, costs families earning under $400,000 a whopping $7,000 per year in inflation tax.

Biden’s inflation has raised mortgage rates to multi-decade highs and added around $700 per month to new mortgages and to variable rate mortgages. Home ownership for first time buyers is nigh impossible. The rate on credit card debt (now at an all time high) has gone up 6 percentage points, or 30%. All these Biden-created inflation costs lay waste the budgets of Americans earning below $400,000.

Do Corporations Pay Their Fair Share?

It bears repeating that corporations do not pay taxes – only people pay taxes. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could magically impose taxes that no human had to pay? Studies have shown that 96% of all corporate income taxes are passed along to consumers as price increases. Thus, if Biden and his progressive cool-aid drinkers raise corporate taxes, the real burden will fall on low and middle income Americans.

In his SOTU speech, Biden resurrected his stale canard that some big corporations pay no income tax. The poster child for this is Amazon, which in some recent years paid no corporate income tax because in prior years it suffered humongous losses which, pursuant to law, Amazon was able to carry forward to offset income in subsequent years. Another case in point is FedEx, which owed no income tax due solely to lawful depreciation on its large fleet of new aircraft. However, both Amazon and FedEx paid billions each year in payroll, state and local taxes.

Warren Buffet and His secretary

Biden’s SOTU also repeated another red herring, i.e. some billionaires pay tax at a lower rate than their secretaries. This assertion made quite a stir in 2012 when Warren Buffet said he paid tax at a lower tax rate than his secretary, Debbie Bosanke. Indeed, it is possible that Buffet (or anyone) with income only from capital gains could pay a lower rate than someone with only ordinary income. However, that is only one of many parts of taxation and far from the whole story. Before anyone realizes capital gains, he/she must first pay income tax and then invest with after tax funds.

I computed the total taxes over the entire cycle on this tranche of income (including ordinary, dividends, corporate, capital gains and estate) and determined that Buffet would have paid overall taxes of 70% to 80% – far, far higher than Ms. Bosanke.

Raising the Minimum Wage

To complete Biden’s SOTU circle of disingenuity, he trotted out the minimum wage. Markets determine wages, not governments. However, far from helping those most in need, raising the minimum wage actually hurts them by putting the poor, young, minorities and low-skilled out of work. The minimum wage affects less than 1% of all workers and for only 6 months or less. Most earning minimum wage are not poor; they have household income over $60,000 and consist of spouses and teens living at home.

Taxation in Biden’s America

After a half century on the public payroll, Biden must be conversant with the facts reported in this post. If he isn’t, it is ignorance on an unimaginable scale. If he does know the facts, it can only mean he chooses to ignore them to incite class warfare. Either way, it is condemnable. To cap it off, Biden really does not want to soak the rich, i.e. his biggest donor base; he merely wants the appearance of doing so.

1      Based on official IRS data for 2020 – the most recent year for which data are available.

2     Tax Foundation data as reported in The Wall Street Journal.

© 2024 George Noga
More Liberty – Less Government, Post Office Box 916381
Longwood, FL 32791-6381, Email:


Election 2024 Update

Election 2024 Update

Will Biden and Trump be the nominees?


DEC 10, 2023

Readers have asked for my take on the 2024 election. For the many new readers of my blog on the Substack platform, I have been involved as a participant and keen observer of politics for nearly 60 years. I have gotten it right (including Trump in 2016) far more than I have whiffed. Read my political bonafides on Substack.

A young African American woman casting her ballot in 1964

Democratic Party Nomination

Joe Biden will not be the Democratic Party nominee. One of my favorite aphorisms is that if something cannot go on forever, it won’t. Biden cannot go on forever in his present physical and cognitive state. His deterioration is visible to all and is getting worse. Moreover, the Biden family corruption scandal is closing in on him from all sides. Biden will be forced to drop out of the race for the following reasons:

  • His physical condition, already highly problematic, will deteriorate and he will experience more public episodes of falling, stumbling and fragility.
  • He will continue to degrade cognitively, again with highly public episodes of confusion, mumbling, silence, misspeaking and spinning tall tales.
  • Evidence, already quite abundant, of the Biden family business of corruption, influence peddling, money laundering, tax evasion and bribery will reach such a critical mass that it no longer can be plausibly denied. Evidence of Biden corruption is mounting on a weekly basis and will only get worse.
  • Polling shows Biden losing nationally to Trump and to the other Republican candidates and in nearly all the swing states – by wide and increasing margins.
  • Biden’s support among independents, Hispanics, Arab-Americans, the young, Black males and suburbanites is tanking by double digits and plummeting.
  • Democratic politicians and media are publicly challenging Biden’s fitness. It is only a matter of time until one or more top Democrats (Obama?) speaks out.
  • Biden’s fund raising is anemic; many big donors are holding back.
  • Kamala Harris is a monumental liability; Biden can’t ditch her – but another nominee could. Moreover, there is a good chance she would become president in a Biden second term and would be a electoral disaster for Democrats in 2028.

Biden will hold out as long as possible because he is stubborn; Jill wants to continue being first lady; and (critically) he wants to retain the power to issue pardons for himself, family members and others involved in promoting the Biden brand.

If Not Biden, Who?

The nominee will be Gavin Newsom; there really aren’t other viable choices. Kamala Harris would be a disaster. Also, invoking Occam’s Razor, Newsom is the most logical choice and he is chomping at the bit to enter the race.

I would not rule out Michelle Obama stepping in at the last minute in a brokered convention. That would have two benefits. First, it would solve the Kamala Harris problem. Second, it would leave little time for Michelle to self destruct. I understand Michelle is popular, but that doesn’t translate into an electoral mandate.

Republican Party Nomination

Trump has such a commanding lead, it is difficult to imagine anyone overtaking him. At the date of this post, the only person with even a long shot is Nikki Haley. Ron DeSantis had a shot but blew it. He made four critical errors, all preventable. Note: I like DeSantis, believe he is a great governor and would make a good president.

  1. His campaign misfired at the very beginning due to mismanagement. He hired the wrong political consultants and managers – since replaced.
  2. He ran on social issues. This was unnecessary as he already had established his anti-wokeness bonafides. He should have left Disney alone; there was no upside from piling on. Instead, he should have focused on bread and butter issues.
  3. DeSantis fails to come across as a personable campaigner.
  4. The Florida six-week abortion ban was a gashing, self-inflicted wound.

General Election

Who will win, Trump or Newsom? The plethora of independent and third party candidates muddies the waters. As of now, the following candidates are likely:

  • Independent: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
  • Independent: Cornel West
  • No Labels: Nominee unknown – possibly a Manchin/Romney ticket
  • Green Party: Jill Stein is the likely nominee
  • Libertarian Party: Nominee not yet determined

All the independent and third party movements, except the Libertarian Party, favor Trump as they would draw far more votes from Biden.

The election is over 300 days away and it is far too early for me to opine. But stay tuned to my blog for more about election 2024 and my fearless forecast.

© 2023 George Noga
More Liberty – Less Government, Post Office Box 916381
Longwood, FL 32791-6381, Email:


Biden By The Numbers – The numbers speak for themselves

Biden By The Numbers

The numbers speak for themselves

SEP 24, 2023

Whenever I analyze anything, I always begin with the numbers. Perhaps that is attributable to my background in math and financial analysis. In some cases, ipsa loquitur, i.e. the numbers speak for themselves. That is the case with the Biden family business – the Biden brand if you will. Following are the numbers; they all are as reported by many reliable sources and are presented in no particular order.

different banknotes
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
  • $20 million: Known payments to Biden from foreign sources
  • 3: Pseudonyms used by Joe Biden
  • 20: Joe Biden conference calls with Hunter’s foreign business associates
  • 9: Biden family members receiving money from foreign sources
  • $1 billion: Taxpayer money used to shake down Ukraine
  • 5,400: Joe Biden secret emails using phony accounts
  • $50 million: Total believed to have been received from foreign sources
  • 20: Shell corporations and LLCs used to launder money
  • $5 million: Real estate owned by Joe Biden despite only government salary
  • 15: Trips on Air Force Two by Hunter
  • $83,000: Monthly payment to Hunter from Burisma
  • $10 million: Burisma claims to have paid Joe and Hunter Biden
  • 150+: Treasury Department Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs)
  • 50%: Hunter’s income kicked back to the big guy
  • 17: Recorded calls to/from Burisma – 15 Hunter and 2 Joe
  • 7: Foreign countries that paid the Bidens
  • 5-10: Burner phones
  • 3: Whistleblowers
  • 12: Foreign bank accounts (exact number not yet determined)
  • 4: Documented dinners and golf outings with Hunter’s foreign associates
  • $26,000: Monthly rental for Hunter’s house in Malibu
  • 16: Joe Biden recorded lies about involvement in Hunter’s foreign business
  • 1: Laptop from hell



California Screaming – Prince of Fools

The republic can survive a Biden, but not an electorate that made him president.

California Screaming – Prince of Fools

By: George Noga – June 5, 2022

California Screaming: The Cato Institute recently published the results of its multi-year project, Poverty and Inequality in California. You may be surprised that California, despite Silicon Valley and Hollywood, has the highest poverty rate in the USA. Moreover, poverty and inequality are getting worse by the day. The study found the cause is “California laws, regulations and policies are regressive, trapping people in poverty. . . . These policies involve criminal justice, education, housing and welfare.” California has had the most progressive government of any state for decades. Instead of utopia, liberal ideas have wrought the worst poverty and inequality in America.

Freedom Index: Cato also just released its Index of Personal and Economic Freedom for 2021. The five highest ranking (most freedom) states are, in order, New Hampshire, Florida, Nevada, Tennessee and South Dakota. The lowest ranking (least freedom) are New York, Hawaii, California, New Jersey and Oregon. The states with the most freedom all are red or purple; the bottom dwellers all are deep blue. Americans are voting en masse with their feet for more liberty and less government.

Prince of Fools: Following (edited for length) is from a major European newspaper. “The danger to America is not Joe Biden, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him to the presidency. It will be far easier to undo the follies of a Biden presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to those who elected him. The problem is much deeper and more serious than Mr. Biden, who is but a symptom of what ails America. The republic can survive a prince of fools like Biden, but is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who elected him.”

If Biden is the prince of fools, Kamala Harris is the queen of fools. Although the Trump presidency, or at least its policies, turned out much better than expected, he never should have been nominated or elected. He won the nomination only because 15 professional politicians all misread the electorate. He was elected only because Hillary Clinton was radioactive. Biden won, despite obvious signs of cognitive decline, because suburban women were triggered by mean tweets. In 2024 it could very well be a Trump- Clinton rematch – see my post of 5/22/22 on our website: How much longer can our beloved republic survive an electorate like this?

Permanent State of Emergency: Governments at all levels have learned their powers are vastly increased during an emergency – even if they created the emergency. It is no wonder we are in a permanent state of emergency: pandemic emergency, voting rights emergency, climate emergency and now an energy emergency. Nothing encapsulates the fecklessness of the Biden Administration more than energy. Immediately upon taking office, Biden declared war on the US energy sector in every way possible.

Biden feigns shock energy production plummeted and prices skyrocketed. He declared an ersatz state of emergency to tap the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, after first begging Venezuela (dirty oil) and Iran (fund terrorism) to produce more. Biden has reverted to the progressive playbook and is blaming greedy speculators and energy companies. Funny – these same groups were not greedy when prices were falling under Trump.

Achieving Perfect Equality: Since men first trod this earth, many have dreamt of a world with perfect equality; thanks to scientific advances, that now may be possible. The best minds on the planet could create a master algorithm incorporating all known markers of success. The algorithm would include DNA and would account for, inter alia, race, gender, sexual orientation, height, weight, IQ and life expectancy.

Key exogenous factors also would be included in the master algorithm: place of birth, social class, family income and education level, et seq. The result is a polygenic score assigned to everyone at birth. Those with positive scores would pay a polygenic tax while those with negative scores would receive a benefit – in direct proportion to how much the scores were positive or negative. If done correctly, this would make everyone equal. It is only a matter of time until progressives adopt this idea and run with it.

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Next: My lifetime of experience with government schools.

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The Political Landscape for 2022 and 2024

The chance of a Trump – Clinton rematch may be greater than you think .

The Political Landscape for 2022 and 2024

By: George Noga – May 22, 2022

It’s time for a political update. I modestly remind readers that my prior political posts have proven to be accurate – not only in picking winners and losers but in analyzing the electoral forces that decide elections. For example, I wrote that Trump would lose in 2020 if suburban women deserted him and that is precisely what happened.

The Outlook for November 2022

Every pundit and pollster is predicting a Republican tsunami this November and it does not require a genius political IQ to understand why. Biden’s job approval rating is abysmal, Kamala Harris is an embarrassment and Nancy Pelosi remains radioactive. The Republicans have a wide margin in the generic ballot. Redistricting following the 2020 census will help the GOP – but only marginally. There are a slew of Democrats not seeking reelection and that benefits Republicans. Polls show Hispanic voters with only a 29% job approval of Biden – which should scare the bejesus out of Democrats.

And then there are the issues. It is a political axiom that people vote their pocketbooks; remember: “It’s the economy stupid”. No issue is greater than inflation because it is impossible to spin. Every time voters buy gas, food or just about anything, they are rudely reminded about inflation. This issue alone will sink Democrats, but they are underwater on virtually every other issue including: national security (Afghanistan, Ukraine, Iran), immigration, crime, Covid, supply chain, education and energy.

The GOP will win the House in 2022; the Senate is uncertain

Given the extreme unpopularity of top Dems and their positions on issues, it would be easy to go along with the herd and predict a Republican sweep this November. I am more cautious. In midterm elections, the party in power usually loses around 40 House seats; most observers are predicting a Dem loss of 60 or more seats. I believe the GOP gain will be more like 20-30 seats, in large part because they already gained about 20 seats in the 2020 election – directly reducing their potential gain for this year.

In the Senate, the mathematics are daunting for the GOP; they are defending 22 seats while the Dems are defending only 12. Much depends on the quality of the candidates the GOP is able to run. With strong, well-funded candidates, the GOP is likely to gain control of the Senate, but it is by no means a certainty. However, in 2024 the calculus is bleak for Dems who must defend 23 Senate seats versus only 10 for Republicans.

The Outlook for 2024

I have difficulty seeing Biden run; he may not complete his current term. I have greater difficulty seeing Harris as the nominee; she would lead her party to disaster. The US will be such an economic wreck in 2024 that neither Biden nor Harris is viable. I see Hillary Clinton making another run and it would be sheer folly to count her out. The Dems (with one exception) do not have candidates who are not extremists. Their best chance to win is with Amy Klobuchar, who also happens to be a woman.

On the Republican side, it is all about Donald Trump, who was a great president if you judge him solely on accomplishments. He would have won in a shoo-in if it were not for the pandemic. Even with the pandemic, he would have won handily but for his persona and so-called mean tweets. Nonetheless, he is the only Republican nominee who could lose – quite possibly to none other than Hillary Rodham Clinton. Age also could be a factor; Clinton would be 81 and Trump 83 when their terms ended. After the Biden fiasco, the country may not be in the mood for another geriatric presidency.

Any Republican but Trump will be heavily favored in 2024.

Unlike the Dems, the GOP has a strong bench: inter alia, Cotton, DeSantis, Pence and Cruz. Any one of these (plus some others) would be heavily favored to win – easily defeating Hillary – who still has ultra high negatives. The only election Hillary can win is against Trump and for the same reason he lost in 2020 – suburban women.

With the sole caveat noted supra, the Republican nominee will be an overwhelming favorite in 2024 – mainly because the US will be an economic basket case with either continuing high inflation or a deep recession – or quite possibly both. Democrat failures in handling defense, foreign affairs, immigration, crime, energy and education all will come home to roost. The presidency will be the Republicans to lose; however, they are fully capable of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

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Next on May 29th – A Catalog of Government Abominations

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Breakfast – Biden Tax Hikes – Journalistic Ethics

America’s founding fathers established the weakest federal government possible.

Breakfast – Biden Tax Hikes – Journalistic Ethics

By: George Noga – April 25, 2021

This posting addresses FDA nutrition guidelines, the Constitution, Biden’s tax hikes and my letter to the editor of our local paper about journalistic ethics (oxymoron).

Breakfast and the USDA: One morning while enjoying my breakfast of orange juice, bacon, egg, buttered toast and coffee with cream, I had a Eureka moment, i.e. my government was wrong about every one of the seven items I was having for breakfast. The USDA warned Americans against eggs, butter and cream (cholesterol), coffee (caffeine) and bacon (fat). They encouraged consuming orange juice (fruit) and toast (grain). Every item they advised against now is deemed healthy, while both items they deemed healthy are now considered unhealthy, i.e. toast (carbohydrates) and orange juice (concentrated carbohydrates). Why would anyone trust, or want more of, a government that was wrong seven out of seven times – and that’s just for breakfast?

Constitution: Our founders intentionally wrote the Constitution to establish the weakest possible form of federal government – capable of performing only its essential and enumerated functions. This was for three fundamental and intertwined reasons. First, they understood government is inherently dangerous and the less power it has the better. Second, the states are closer to the people and more sensitive to regional needs and differences. Third, the states existed prior to the federal government. It was the people, through their states, that created the federal government, not the reverse.

Biden tax hikes on the rich wind up devastating the middle class.

Biden Tax Hikes: Democrats don’t really want to tax the rich and couldn’t do it even if they tried because of Hauser’s Law. Their real aim is political misdirection, to appear to be taxing the rich in furtherance of their class warfare agenda. And so it is with Biden’s proposed tax hikes on corporations and individual capital gains and dividends. Everyone knows corporations are merely vehicles for collecting taxes, but they don’t actually pay them. The tax burden falls on their customers in the form of higher prices. When capital gains and dividend tax rates rise, tax collections decrease as taxpayers modify their behavior. Biden’s taxes on the rich will devastate the middle class.

Packing the Supreme Court: The Constitution created three co-equal branches of government and provided for a separation of powers between them. If the court can be reconstituted whenever the executive and legislative branches change hands, there is a prima facie case the court not only is not independent but that there is no separation. Therefore, the Supreme Court should rule that court packing is an unconstitutional violation of: (1) separation of powers; (2) independence; and (3) co-equality.

Media Ethics: Our local newspaper recently wrote a self laudatory (and self delusional) puff piece touting the strength of its ethics policy. I wrote the following in response.

“I’m sure you have been in many restaurant rest rooms festooned with signs in uber large fonts commanding ‘Employees are required to wash their hands before returning to work.’ Such conspicuously placed signs are posted not to remind employees to wash-up but to disingenuously assuage customers’ concerns about sanitation. Just like the signs in restrooms, written codes of ethics are mostly window dressing. They are nothing more than platitudes from cans unless they are deeply embedded in the culture of the organization, scrupulously honored and strictly enforced. Enron had a 64-page code of ethics distributed to all its employees; how did that work out?”

“Your newspaper’s ethics are eerily similar to Enron’s, i.e. they are observed in the breech. Your ethical stricture to ‘make news decisions without the influence of any political preference’ is laughable. Every edition of your paper contains numerous and flagrant violations of this ethic. Your reporters and editors violate this policy with scorn and impunity because they understand it is only window dressing. When, if ever, was anyone sanctioned for violating this policy? As with restaurants, your paper doesn’t really care about clean hands. Your code of ethics is not intended for employees; it is for virtue signaling and maskirovka to hoodwink your readers.”

Next on May 2nd, in observance of May Day, we blog about socialism.

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Obama Agonistes: Boneheaded Economics

By: George Noga – Substantially Updated April 8, 2014
        Milton Friedman once asked a foreign government official why workers building a canal were using shovels instead of excavating equipment. The official proudly responded “to create more jobs of course”. Friedman’s classic retort was: “Then why not use spoons instead of shovels?” Most who hear this story viscerally comprehend the foolishness of the government official – except President Obama. He and his minions have said things every bit as wacky as saving jobs with shovels instead of bulldozers.
“Obama’s solipsism and narcissism shield him from his economic illiteracy
and give him delusions of adequacy. He is not unlike a blissfully ignorant child incessantly toying with the economic dials that control the real world.”
        Obama linked technology to job losses: “A lot of businesses have learned to become much more efficient with a lot fewer workers. . . . when you go to a bank and use an ATM machine you don’t go to a bank teller, or you go to the airport and you’re using a kiosk instead of checking in at the gate.” Even Economics 101 students  recognize ATMs and kiosks as progress, as greater productivity, as the sine qua non of a higher standard of living and as an unalloyed blessing. Becoming more efficient and productive, doing more with less, produces the cornucopia of goods and services that makes America the envy of the planet. That our president misunderstands this reinforces the image of a child fiddling with the economic dials.
        Obama, Biden and Pelosi have touted unemployment benefits as an economic panacea. They all have stated that unemployment benefits create jobs faster than any other initiative and they have the double benefit of putting money in the pockets of the jobless who then spend the money on consumption to create yet more jobs. Please Mr. President, can we have even higher unemployment so that we can create even more jobs? As far back as Adam Smith (1776) it was well understood that production, not consumption, is what makes us rich.
       The USSR had enormous pent-up consumption but there were no goods to buy. John Stuart Mill debunked the consumption myth best: “the man who steals money from a shop, provided he expends it all again in the same shop, is a benefactor to the tradesman whom he robs, and that the same operation, repeated sufficiently often, would make the tradesman a fortune.” Obama has said that government created jobs will lead to stronger economic growth. He again has it bass-ackwards; economic growth must precede job creation. Obama is ignorant of fundamental economic truths known for at least 250 years. It is hard to dispell the image of a toddler in diapers playing at economics. A toddler is shielded by his age and lack of education; Obama is shielded by his solipsism, narcissism and an equally ignorant sycophant media.
       Obama is harming the very people he passionately asserts he wants to protect, i.e. the downtrodden. He claims his spending binge is for social welfare and health care. Yet, he is condemning the current and future underclass to a much more hardscrabble life. America’s GDP growth already has slowed to European levels and over time the poorer among us will be infinitely worse off than they would have been with higher economic growth. Of course by then few will care or remember – no less understand, who was responsible.
“Obama’s failure to grasp the depth of his economic ignorance is wholly consistent with that of a solipsist and narcissistwho believes only the self exists and who is preoccupied with only his feelings and is egotistically self-absorbed.”
        Obama Agonistes’ slavish ideological dogma and economic illiteracy are leading us all into a netherworld. The president’s people gleefully depict political adversaries throwing grandma over a cliff. Obama is throwing all of us (including his supporters) over the cliff – and all for a failed socialist chimera. Obama’s failure to grasp the depth of his economic ignorance is consistent with the behavior of a solipsist and a narcissist who believes only the self exists, who is preoccupied with only his feelings and who is egotistically self-absorbed.