Dreaming of a Woke Christmas

Dreaming of a Woke Christmas

Warning: candy canes resemble a shepherd’s crook


NOV 26, 2023

Santa Claus (please, no fat shaming) has been cancelled because he (preferred pronoun) is a phallocentric, cisgender, heteronormative, oppressive white male existing solely within an ageist authoritarian hierarchy. He is misogynistic and fraught with mansplaining, bropriation, toxic masculinity and white fragility.

Only unwoke children adhering to bourgeois capitalistic values and to moral absolutism (by not being naughty) receive gifts during the Celebration of Winter (formerly known as Christmas). Such children are brainwashed and seduced into a lifelong exploitative and metastasizing addiction to conspicuous consumption.

santa claus with red background
What? Me cancelled!

Santa’s bribes to gift-addled children are made by degendered, height-challenged, marginalized elves at the North Pole, a hostile post-colonial, non-union, right-to-work setting. The oppressed elves and reindeer must avoid stepping off the shrinking polar ice cap. At least ze (preferred plural pronoun for elves) no longer need to watch out for polar bears on passing ice floes due to their rapidly shrinking population.

Woke Christmas Shopping and Decorating

Scrooge-like robber barons such as Wal-Mart lure unsuspecting shoppers with elaborate decorations, holiday music and even (horrors) low prices. Some stores stoop so low as to provide ersatz Santas to lure, confuse and coax young children into an anti-proletarian lifestyle. If you should feel overwhelmed by microaggressions while shopping, seek a safe room with elevator music, teddy bears, images of frolickingly puppies, Play-Doh, warm milk and cookies. Should you need a rest room, make sure there is one available that comports with your gender identity at that moment.

Décor for the Celebration of Winter must exclude trees and anything intended to hang on trees. Also offensive are images of Santa, reindeer and anything red or green. Most offensive are nativity scenes. Avoid snowflakes and snow globes; however, making snow people is acceptable. Avoid holiday lights unless the power comes from solar or windmills as the energy wasted will lead to more fracking and pipelines. Be on high alert to avoid candy canes which resemble a shepherd’s crook – bummer.

Gift Guidelines for a Woke Christmas

Eschew toys made in China with slave labor; however, it is just fine to buy EVs that use child labor in Africa. Buy locally to avoid leaving a humongous carbon footprint. Take care to avoid cultural appropriation and non-intersectionality. Don’t use wrapping paper or cards as the environmental impact of paper products requires clear cutting of old growth forests and sacrificing spotted owls on the altar of unbridled consumerism. Moreover, disposing of all the waste requires countless new landfills. Lengthy after Christmas lines to return gifts attest to their utter depravity; obviously, people neither needed nor wanted the gifts. This is not gaslighting.

Avoid gender specific gifts; above all, this means NRA-inspired toy guns for the deplorable and irredeemably racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic and xenophobic boys in flyover land. They will cling to their new guns along with their religion. Avoid gifts from companies guilty of greenwashing.

Certain woke gifts are acceptable, such as birth control pills for birthing people on rape-infested college campuses. Personalized N-95 masks are a good choice. If all else fails, a Che Guevara sweatshirt always is sure to please your woke friends.

Vacations to socialist utopias such as North Korea, Gaza, and nearby Venezuela are popular with progressives; however, remind your recipient to bring zer (preferred pronoun) own toilet paper. If you can’t afford foreign travel, California, New York or Illinois are good substitutes. If you want to impress your favorite liberal, give zem (preferred pronoun) a U-Haul to Florida. For a really big splurge, you could provide private security to your blue state BFF in a sanctuary state where crime and looting are rampant, guns are banned, police have been defunded and cash bail eliminated.

Woke Christmas Dinner

Once all the unwanted gifts and materials are properly recycled with zero waste, avoid binge eating f/k/a Christmas dinner – an affront to those with food insecurities. Avoid grace or even a moment of silence as this is but a veiled attempt at prayer. Eat only organic, non-GMO, sustainable, local and fair-traded foods. Consider a vegan, PETA approved menu; tofu is a great alternative. Avoid turkey which is not free range and is loaded with growth hormones, mutagens, carcinogens and antibiotics. Bon Appetit.

TRIGGER WARNING: Merry Christmas to all our readers from MLLG!

© 2023 George Noga
More Liberty – Less Government, Post Office Box 916381
Longwood, FL 32791-6381, Email:


The Disney Magic Is Gone

The Disney Magic Is Gone
Walt Disney Company at 100; Disney World at 50

George Noga July 16, 2023


This year is the centennial of the Walt Disney Company and the semicentennial of Walt Disney World and all decidedly is not magical in the mouse house. Micky Mouse has become hyperwoke leading many customers to smell a rat. This is not your father’s Disney or not even your big brother’s Disney.

two people in clothing

Parental Rights in Education Act (PREA)

Disney’s wokeness became a national issue only when the company took a very public and unnecessary stand against the PREA, about which Disney advanced a false narrative and called it the Don’t Say Gay bill. The PREA simply bans age inappropriate sexual content from grades K through 3 and enjoys the support of 80% of Floridians. However, Disney’s slouch into wokeness began long before the PREA; to wit:

  • Disney forced employees into a CRT training program that denounced America as racist; white employees had to prepare a white privilege checklist.
  • They inserted a gay agenda into programming for young kids.
  • They tracked programming to make sure it included enough transgender, queer, non-binary and asexual characters. Fifty percent had to come from these groups.
  • Disney abolished use of terms such as ladies and gentlemen and boys and girls.
  • They cancelled or transformed Jungle Cruise because of Trader Sam; they changed Splash Mountain because it used Song of the South; and they made changes to Pirates of the Caribbean for political correctness.
  • Cast members now may wear exposed political symbols.
  • Disney employees have been arrested for child porn and even child rape. In at least a few cases, Disney was complicit in helping offenders evade arrest.
  • Disney-owned ESPN fires any employee who does not strictly adhere to its woke agenda and supports biological men (trans women) competing in girls’ sports.
  • Disney makes edgy movies like Turning Red that are steeped in controversy.

    They no longer are purveyors of content celebrating the innocence of childhood; instead, they are grooming children for a highly sexualized world.

  • Virtually every page of its SEC reports is laced with references to ESG issues.
  • The company is hypocritical. It continues to do business with China but refuses to denounce, or even to acknowledge, that it is a totalitarian, oppressive regime. They attack Floridians but won’t criticise the Chinese Communist Party.

The Price of Wokeness

It is hard to fathom Disney’s self-destruction. Why would any business intentionally stake so much on something so innocuous, not to mention popular, as the PREA? Why would any company intentionally go out of its way to alienate 50% or more of its customers? Why would any business intentionally choose to be on the losing side of an issue that the vast majority of families, of all political persuasions, support? Why would any company intentionally devalue the iconic characters loved by generations of children and families over the past one hundred years? Why would any sane business endanger its copyright (valued at billions of dollars) on Mickey Mouse?

The Walt Disney Company has paid, and continues to pay, a staggering price for its woke agenda. Disney stock has nosedived from $197 per share in 2021 to $88 on July 6, 2023 (when this is being written) – a drop of $109 per share or 55%. Its market capitalization has plummeted from over $350 billion to $161 billion – a stunning loss of nearly $200 billion to its shareholders. The Florida legislature has revoked Disney’s special taxing district and will hike its taxes and begin safety inspections.

But the worst is yet to come. Up to now, Congress has given Disney extensions of its copyright to Mickey Mouse and other characters. However, after 95 years the copyright extension for Steamboat Willey (Mickey Mouse) is set to expire next year. Many members of Congress are balking at granting a further extension. If Congress fails to act, Mickey Mouse soon could be in the public domain.

The Disney spell is broken and the magic is gone; there will be no fairy tale ending. Wokeness destroyed a once admired and iconic American company. The downfall of Disney is destined to be a case study in business schools for decades to come.

© 2023 George Noga
More Liberty – Less Government, Post Office Box 916381
Longwood, FL 32791-6381, Email:


The Raison d’etre of Government

The answer is not more government or even better and wiser government.

The Raison d’etre of Government

By: George Noga – January 23, 2022

Preamble to the US Constitution

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Since the Neolithic Revolution 12,000 years ago, when humans transitioned from nomadic hunter-gatherer clans to settled agricultural societies, people have banded together for security from internal and external threats to their lives, property and liberty. The Declaration of Independence proclaims all men have an unalienable right to life, liberty, and (property) pursuit of happiness. The Constitution, in its preamble above, establishes the raison d’etre for our government as being mostly about security, i.e. justice, domestic tranquility, defense and liberty. Indeed, the social contract between man and the state always has been, first and foremost, about security.

Americans expect government, above everything else, to protect their lives, property and liberty. Progressive government at all levels, national, state and local, is failing in this, the most basic role of government. The Biden Administration is failing to provide for the common defense. Its manifest weakness, on full display in Afghanistan, is an open invitation to Putin, Xi, Kim, Iran and to tyrants everywhere. Moreover, Biden is slashing (real) defense spending as progressives always do when in power. The most potent asset in our defense arsenal is our economy and Biden is weakening it.

Progressives in control of state and local governments refuse to protect citizens and property from mob violence. They defund police, decriminalize larceny, abolish bail, create sanctuary cities and refuse to prosecute serious offenses. They impose gun control to keep citizens from defending themselves and their property from mobs; instead, they prosecute those (McCloskeys, Rittenhouse) who exercise their rights.

Rather than defending Americans’ lives, property and liberty, Biden and his top advisors, all selected based on identity rather than merit, are putting us at greater risk. They are destroying the property and life savings of many Americans by the pernicious inflation they have unleashed. Their profligate spending is hastening the arrival of a debt crisis and a lost generation for our children and our children’s children.

Progressives, and those who enable them, have lost sight of the reason Americans have a government in the first place. It is not for transgender bathrooms, CRT, identity or wokeness. They are placing our lives at risk from both foreign and domestic threats. They are failing to protect our property from criminals, looting and mob violence. They are assaulting our liberty in myriad ways – using the pandemic to abolish our right to assemble, to worship and to be secure in our persons (vaccine mandates).

Ironically, the evils catalogued supra all were promulgated by a form of government most people consider to be among the best in the world and even throughout history. The root cause of our present accursedness is not a failure of government or even bad government – although we presently have both. Rather, it is due simply to immutable human nature and to our government behaving like governments always do.

Indeed, the entire sweep of human history in the 12,000 years since the Neolithic Revolution instructs us that it is foolish to believe people can control government. We can’t; but we can limit it. Dear readers, the answer lies not in better, wiser or even enlightened government. The answer lies in more liberty and less government.

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Our next post January 30th is about taxing billionaires.

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