May Day 2022 – Commie Compilation

Humans have dreamt of a temporal paradise since the Garden of Eden.

May Day 2022 – Commie Compilation

By: George Noga – May 1, 2022

May Day commemorates the Haymarket riots, which to socialists symbolize the struggle for workers’ rights. It is the most important holiday in socialist countries such as Russia, China, Vietnam, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, Venezuela and former Soviet republics. In observance, we present a compilation of the failures of collectivism from many different angles. We do this because polls show many younger Americans prefer socialism over capitalism. Also, progressivism is a gateway drug for socialism.

Socialism fails in theory and practice: Throughout history socialism has failed everywhere it has been attempted; it never has succeeded for a group larger than a small clan, family or tribe. There is not one example where socialism has improved the human condition over a sustained period of time. Collectivism fails because it is fundamentally contrary to human nature and ignores and misaligns incentives.

Collectivism is a lie: Commies promise you liberty; you get the Berlin Wall and closed borders with watchtowers, razor wire and minefields. They promise prosperity; you get lines, rationing, shortages and shoddy goods. They promise hope; they give you nihilism. They promise truth; you get Pravda, censorship, propaganda, and banned internet. They promise life; they give you death – murdering over 100 million of their own people. They promise a workers paradise; you get a phantasmagoria of lies, terror, slaughter, misery, poverty, injustice, kleptocracy and social pathology.

Socialism is just like Scandinavia: Progressives assert socialism is just like Sweden and other Scandinavian countries. Sweden experimented with socialism in the 1970s and it was a colossal failure. They abandoned socialism and embraced free market capitalism. Today every Nordic nation is capitalist. They provide robust social benefits only because their capitalist economies generate great wealth. Sweden is not prosperous due to socialism; it is wealthy because it abandoned socialism. Moreover, if Sweden were a US state, it would be the poorest one – and by a wide margin.

Initial successes are illusory: Socialism can appear to work briefly as socialists plunder a nation’s wealth. They confiscate assets, loot industries, strip natural resources, run huge budget deficits, and borrow to the hilt. They tax the wealthy to oblivion, print worthless currency, hyperinflate, pillage banks and beg for foreign aid. They impose price, rent and currency exchange controls. For a time, these measures give the illusion of progress, but all socialists have done is steal a nation’s patrimony. After socialists are done pillaging, it always ends the same, i.e. starvation amidst plenty.

Jamestown and Plymouth: Both colonies initially were governed under socialist principles. All property was communal and there was no direct link between work and benefit. Both experienced mass starvation and death – even cannibalism. They starved to death en mass rather than work collectively. They literally chose death over socialism. Once private property rights were restored, the colonies prospered. The very same settlers who had starved under socialism, now thrived under capitalism.

Trabant versus Mercedes: The best car ever produced under socialism is the Trabant. It had a two-cylinder engine and 26 horsepower – similar to a riding lawnmower. The gas gauge was a dipstick and oil had to be mixed in with the gas in precisely the correct proportion. There was no fuel pump and the gas tank was placed above the engine for gravity flow. Payment in full was required up front and the car would be delivered in 12 years. The Trabant was made in East Germany; a few miles away in West Germany, consumers had their choice of VW, Audi, BMW, Porsche and Mercedes-Benz.

Head-to-Head Comparisons: Many years ago there were five islands, all of them poor and bereft of natural resources. Two of them chose command economies and collectivism; the three others chose free market capitalism. A half century later, the socialist islands are impoverished hell holes and the ones that chose capitalism are rich. It’s as simple as Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan versus Cuba and Puerto Rico.


Progressives continue to harbor quixotic dreams of utopia; perhaps they will get it right the next time. But for the entirety of human history, it is the god that failed.

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