Transgender Marxism

Transgender Marxism

Progressives’ next target: pedophilia

March 31, 2024

A transgender went shopping and xe bought apples for xerself; xe ate xyrs apples for xem lunch. A pangender, shopping in the same store, bought oranges for themselves. A gender fluid shopper, ve bought plums for perself; sie ate ver plums for vis lunch. The preceding are all approved uses of gender pronouns. There are now 107 recognized genders – each presumably with its own set of personal pronouns.

I am taking a spring break for the month of April. Regular posts will resume May 5th.

Before transgenderism became a cause celebre, it was generally understood that 99.94% of people were cisgender, meaning the trans population is a miniscule .06%. Thus, the true trans population of the USA is about 19,200 and could fit comfortably inside most NBA arenas. How has an issue affecting such an infinitesimal part of the population come to dominate America’s culture and politics?

Marxists Hijack Trans Movement

After the fall of the USSR, Marxists were homeless. Collectivism, in light of the ignominious collapse of the Soviet Union, was discredited and toxic. However, Marxists were not chastened and continued to guzzle the commie cool-aide.

First, they took over the environmental movement and later the climate change movement. Now, they have hijacked the trans movement. But their focus and goals remain unchanged, i.e. to destroy western civilization and impose collectivism.

Marxists believe gender is a social construct and a false binary that underpins a white male heterosexual power structure which must be deconstructed. They see the trans movement as a bridge to communism in our time – a new communist way of relating to one another. In her book, Transgender Marxism, trans activist Rosa Lee argues:

Trans people can serve as the new vanguard of the proletariat, promising to abolish heteronormativity in the same way orthodox Marxism promised to abolish capitalism.”

Perspectives About the Trans Movement

Following are some thoughts about the transgender movement.

  • Transgenders, who are part of the .06%, deserve our support. They also are victims, as what should be a medical issue has become hyperpolitical.
  • Progressives, Marxists and their media lapdogs have hijacked the trans movement to achieve their unrelated goals – which are so noxious they must be masked.
  • The vast majority of youths (70%) who claim to be trans really are homosexual.
  • Those who make a fuss over pronouns enjoy calling attention to themselves and making others feel uncomfortable. They really don’t care about the pronouns.
  • Activist teachers and health care workers propagandize by using the euphemistic gender affirming care, just as abortion is described as choice.
  • Follow the money. Gender surgery has become highly profitable. What has become of the physicians’ oath to “first, do no harm”?
  • If people can change their gender identity, why not their disability status, age, race, ethnicity, income cohort or any other aspect of their identity?

Children and Transgenderism

One day, sooner rather than later, the surgical and chemical mutilation of children as young as 10 will come to be seen with horror. We as a society will grapple with understanding why and how we came to tolerate such atrocities. Children are easily confused and influenced – recall how children were manipulated during the day care abuse hoaxes. This has become a red state, blue state issue. At fashionable California dinner parties, at least one of the attendees is likely to have a child in transition.

Next Target: Pedophilia

Transgenderism moved rapidly from the fringes of society to the epicenter after it was hijacked by twenty-first century Marxists. The media jumped on the bandwagon and soon the money flooded in. Eventually, all the usual suspects came on board and, voila, the trans movement became a wedge political and cultural issue.

The Marxist playbook that has worked for the environmental, climate change and transgender movements can be made to work for other issues as well. Issues, currently on the fringe of society, that are likely to be catapulted onto center stage within the next five years are pedophilia followed by plural marriage.

However, next on progressives’ radar screens is pedophilia. They euphemistically relabel pedophiles as minor-attracted persons. They won’t attempt to remove the age of consent all at once. They already are advocating lowering it to 16 . That soon will be followed by a push to lower it to 14 and then to 12 before abolishing it entirely.

If you think this can’t happen, the age of consent in some US states already is 13 and 14 (with restrictions); many states are at age 16 with no restrictions. Germany and many South American countries are at age 14 with no restrictions. Africa has one country at age 12 without restrictions. Muslim nations have no predetermined minimum age of consent for sex or marriage; it is based on custom.

If you believe pedophilia could never become legal in the USA, think again. If one believes it is okay for children as young as ten to be chemically and surgically castrated and to have their genitals irreversibly mutilated, it dosen’t seem like a big stretch to argue that these same kids should have the right to choice about sex. If this seems far-fetched to you, so did transgenderism a scant five years ago.

© 2024 George Noga
More Liberty – Less Government, Post Office Box 916381
Longwood, FL 32791-6381, Email:


The Raison d’etre of Government

The answer is not more government or even better and wiser government.

The Raison d’etre of Government

By: George Noga – January 23, 2022

Preamble to the US Constitution

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Since the Neolithic Revolution 12,000 years ago, when humans transitioned from nomadic hunter-gatherer clans to settled agricultural societies, people have banded together for security from internal and external threats to their lives, property and liberty. The Declaration of Independence proclaims all men have an unalienable right to life, liberty, and (property) pursuit of happiness. The Constitution, in its preamble above, establishes the raison d’etre for our government as being mostly about security, i.e. justice, domestic tranquility, defense and liberty. Indeed, the social contract between man and the state always has been, first and foremost, about security.

Americans expect government, above everything else, to protect their lives, property and liberty. Progressive government at all levels, national, state and local, is failing in this, the most basic role of government. The Biden Administration is failing to provide for the common defense. Its manifest weakness, on full display in Afghanistan, is an open invitation to Putin, Xi, Kim, Iran and to tyrants everywhere. Moreover, Biden is slashing (real) defense spending as progressives always do when in power. The most potent asset in our defense arsenal is our economy and Biden is weakening it.

Progressives in control of state and local governments refuse to protect citizens and property from mob violence. They defund police, decriminalize larceny, abolish bail, create sanctuary cities and refuse to prosecute serious offenses. They impose gun control to keep citizens from defending themselves and their property from mobs; instead, they prosecute those (McCloskeys, Rittenhouse) who exercise their rights.

Rather than defending Americans’ lives, property and liberty, Biden and his top advisors, all selected based on identity rather than merit, are putting us at greater risk. They are destroying the property and life savings of many Americans by the pernicious inflation they have unleashed. Their profligate spending is hastening the arrival of a debt crisis and a lost generation for our children and our children’s children.

Progressives, and those who enable them, have lost sight of the reason Americans have a government in the first place. It is not for transgender bathrooms, CRT, identity or wokeness. They are placing our lives at risk from both foreign and domestic threats. They are failing to protect our property from criminals, looting and mob violence. They are assaulting our liberty in myriad ways – using the pandemic to abolish our right to assemble, to worship and to be secure in our persons (vaccine mandates).

Ironically, the evils catalogued supra all were promulgated by a form of government most people consider to be among the best in the world and even throughout history. The root cause of our present accursedness is not a failure of government or even bad government – although we presently have both. Rather, it is due simply to immutable human nature and to our government behaving like governments always do.

Indeed, the entire sweep of human history in the 12,000 years since the Neolithic Revolution instructs us that it is foolish to believe people can control government. We can’t; but we can limit it. Dear readers, the answer lies not in better, wiser or even enlightened government. The answer lies in more liberty and less government.

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Our next post January 30th is about taxing billionaires.

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Women’s Sports – Romaine – Matt Shepard

Transgender women are causing the end of women’s sports – and also homosexuality.
Women’s Sports – Romaine – Matt Shepard
By: George Noga – February 24, 2019

Micro Topics: The latest liberal angst involves the gender of robots. For example, assigning a security robot male attributes reinforces gender stereotypes. . . . . . Trump pardoned the White House turkeys because DNA testing revealed they were 1/1,024th bald eagle due to some monkey business 10 generations ago. Pocahontas (Warren) now claims Native American heritage because a great uncle owned a Jeep Cherokee. . . . . . You can’t email your doctor because government can’t figure out how to compensate them for email; yet progressives want the state to take over all of our health care.

Death Knell for Women’s Sports and homosexuality: Transgender women (born male) are winning more and more women’s sporting events at the high school, college and professional levels because of higher testosterone. But if non-trans women take testosterone injections, they are disqualified for using performance enhancing drugs. However, putting trans women on testosterone blockers is a human rights violation. There is no danger to men’s sports from trans men (born female) for obvious reasons; however, trans women are causing the end of women’s sports. If male and female are only social constructs and there is no way to distinguish between them, that is the death knell for women’s sports. Also, it would render homosexuality moot; wouldn’t it?

Lettuce and CDC: The CDC romaine lettuce ban caused $25 million of losses; but it protected our health; didn’t it? The data don’t support this narrative. Only 43 people were affected, none seriously. The odds of romaine making you sick were 1 in 11 million; if you ate romaine every day, you would get sick once every 77,000 years. The chance of a hole-in-one is 1 in 12,500. CDC never discloses risks, fearing ridicule if they did. People make tough decisions about risks all the time; we should have the freedom to decide whether or not to eat a salad without big brother interfering.

Matthew Shepard: We wrote about Shepard most recently in June 2018 (see website). In October, Shepard’s ashes were interred at Washington’s National Cathedral, an honor conferred on few Americans, and he was given a memorial service worthy of a hero. Everything reported in the media about Shepard’s murder is a lie. There was no hate crime. Shepard was murdered by his homosexual lover in a meth deal gone bad. While progressives clamor to destroy monuments to past heroes, who no longer conform to their values, they created a progressive hero based entirely on lies and identity politics.

USA Healthcare: Whenever I write about healthcare, my progressive readers remind me how bad things are because not all Americans have insurance. First off, many Americans make an informed choice not to buy insurance, a freedom not available to those with national health care. While some may lack insurance, everyone in America (citizen or alien) has immediate access to the very best treatment extant.

People under socialized medicine have insurance but often not timely care; they may be denied life saving treatment and/or drugs due to limited funds and they often receive outdated and insipid care. Which would you prefer, no insurance but immediate access to top-notch care, or nationalized insurance with rationing, long waits and possible denials? I get it; insurance is more dignified than public assistance, but insurance is no good if you can’t use it and having insurance is not the same as having healthcare.

Watch for our midweek posting: the first in our 2020 election coverage.