Twelve Inconvenient Truths

Twelve Inconvenient Truths

Top 12 Truths about Climate Change


Feb 11, 2024

Climate change is one of my signature issues; I have written about it more than any other topic. Recently, I updated my prior work and ranked the inconvenient (for climate alarmists) truths in ascending order, with #1 being the most profound.

polar bear on snow covered ground during daytime

#12 Polar Bears are Thriving

Far from being threatened, polar bears are thriving. Climate alarmists predicted 67% of them would disappear due to warming. Instead, the polar bear population is now over 30,000, up 600% from the 1950s and up 400% from 1960-1980 period.

#11 Voters are Balking

Voters in Europe and the US are pumping the brakes on climate spending and mandates which have doubled their energy bills and degraded their quality of life with no measurable climate benefit. EVs are stacking up on dealer lots in the US. The political consensus necessary for climate spending and mandates is evaporating.

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#10 There is No Existential Threat

There is not now and there never was an existential threat from climate change. Neither the UN-IPCC nor any other recognized authority has ever asserted the threat from warming rises to the level of being existential. The worst possible outcome for humanity does not come even close to threatening mankind’s existence.

#9 Population Collapse Will Solve the Problem

The global population collapse, already underway, will lower CO2 emissions below today’s level and realize climate alarmists’ fondest dreams and without spending any money. Population in 100 years will be less and collapsing rapidly. World population will peak in the 2060s and could be as low as 6.3 billion by 2100. Demographics is destiny. A population collapse, once underway, is nearly impossible to reverse.

#8 China, India, Africa and Developing Countries Dissent

Without buy-in from the countries named above, any actions taken to reduce CO2 are doomed. Not only are developing nations not going along with the climate change narrative, they are aggressively pushing back. Whatever the US and Europe may do is irrelevant. The energy minister of India, Raj Singh, called net zero “pie-in-the-sky” and said, “You can’t stop developing countries from using more and more fossil fuel.”

#7 Moderate Warming is a Net Benefit to Humanity

Twenty times more deaths are caused by cold as opposed to heat; consequently, higher temperatures save far more people than are harmed. Also, warmer temperatures are a boon to agriculture and help feed humanity.

#6 Trillions Are Wasted While Potential Solutions Are Ignored

If the US achieved net zero emissions tomorrow, there would be no discernable temperature impact. Nor would there be any impact on future GDP. A CBO report revealed future GDP would be infinitesimally less in many years if there was a 2 degree rise in temperature. While we waste trillions on feel-good solutions, we ignore those that could have a positive impact such as a carbon tax or atmospheric seeding.

#5 There Has Been No Extreme Weather

Weather,, including hurricanes, is no more extreme, severe or frequent; floods have not increased; Greenland’s ice sheet is not shrinking more rapidly; heat waves are not more common and wildfires actually decreased – all compared to past periods.

#4 Climate Activism Causes More Harm Than Climate Change

Utopian green energy fiascos are causing great damage to our economy and to our national security. We are wasting trillions on programs that, even if successful, have no measurable climate benefit. Such spending has made electricity less reliable, jacked up energy prices, created shortages and empowered dictators.

#3 Correlation is Not Causation

Inevitably, it always comes down to climate alarmists brandishing a graph showing temperature moving up in lockstep with CO2 – with the starting point cherry picked to achieve maximum impact. Different plot points such as during the dust bowl years, when temperatures were high and CO2 emissions low, would make the graph show the opposite. I could replace CO2 on the graph with women’s hemlines to definitively “prove” hemlines caused warming. That one graph is all climate alarmists have.

#2 Science Tells us Little About Climate Change

The earth is warming and mankind exerts a warming influence. That’s all science can tell us; anything beyond those ten words is not science – it’s climate religion. Earth has been warming for 160 years. Although humans exert a warming influence, it is impossible to know how much is attributable to mankind. Observed warming throughout our solar system closely parallels warming on Earth leading to the conclusion that very little, if any, of Earth’s warming is anthropogenic.

#1 It’s Not About the Climate; it Never Was

Communists, socialists, progressives and the media – along with their acolytes who guzzle the cool aid – have hijacked the climate change movement to achieve their unrelated goals. They are following the same playbook they used when they hijacked the environmental movement, and now the transgender movement. They cloak their anti-capitalist agenda in green language; truth is irrelevant because the ends justify the means. They know their ideas are politically toxic, so they search for another way. It’s not about the climate; it never was!

© 2024 George Noga
More Liberty – Less Government, Post Office Box 916381
Longwood, FL 32791-6381, Email:


Revenge of the Polar Bears

There are 600% more polar bears now than there were in 1950 and they are thriving.

Revenge of the Polar Bears

By: George Noga – March 19, 2023

Polar bears are the indelible symbol of the climate change religion. It did not happen by accident. The photographer (Cristina Mettermeir) who took the now-iconic photo of a scrawny polar bear on an ice floe was looking for a compelling symbol to illustrate the effects of global warming. She zeroed in on a gaunt polar bear scavenging for food on a desolate landscape. She succeeded far beyond what she could have imagined.

Her photo was printed in National Geographic with the caption: “This is what climate change looks like.” The magazine wrote that melting sea ice, caused by warming, was responsible for starving polar bears. It was viewed by 2.5 billion people (the most ever) on the magazine’s website and had its intended effect, i.e. horror and a public outcry demanding action. The photographer later admitted there was no evidence the bear was gaunt due to climate change. National Geographic also walked back the story.

Far from being threatened, polar bears are thriving and resurgent

This one iconic image of a gaunt polar bear did more to energize the climate alarmist movement than any scientific report before or since. Much of the mainstream media and large segments of the public continue to believe the myth of near-extinct, starving polar bears adrift on arctic ice floes. Climate alarmist scientists predicted 67% of polar bears would disappear due to warming. The numbers paint a far different picture.

Recent studies place the polar bear population at more than 30,000. This is up from 5,000 in 1950 and 8,000 in the 1960s and 1970s. The polar bear population is up 600% from the 1950s and up nearly 400% from the period 1960-1980. These data come from the Polar Bear Specialist Group within the International Union for the Conservation of Nature – a progressive international body. You can easily check this out online.

It is beyond debate that polar bears, far from being threatened, are thriving. However, there are lessons that go beyond resurgent polar bears. The climate alarmist religion is shown to be founded on junk science, scare tactics and lies. Science has become hyper politicized and is no longer credible. Corrupt fact checkers refuse to verify the polar bear population even though it is from an esteemed body of environmental scientists. Climate alarmists follow the science only when they believe it supports their cause.

Polar bear propaganda is just the tip of the iceberg – pun intended. Climate alarmists promoted the polar bear myth as proof positive of manmade warming. Now that polar bears have gotten their revenge, will climate alarmists accept they are wrong?

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Our next post is March 26; we compare New York to Florida.

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