Transgender Marxism

Transgender Marxism

Progressives’ next target: pedophilia

March 31, 2024

A transgender went shopping and xe bought apples for xerself; xe ate xyrs apples for xem lunch. A pangender, shopping in the same store, bought oranges for themselves. A gender fluid shopper, ve bought plums for perself; sie ate ver plums for vis lunch. The preceding are all approved uses of gender pronouns. There are now 107 recognized genders – each presumably with its own set of personal pronouns.

I am taking a spring break for the month of April. Regular posts will resume May 5th.

Before transgenderism became a cause celebre, it was generally understood that 99.94% of people were cisgender, meaning the trans population is a miniscule .06%. Thus, the true trans population of the USA is about 19,200 and could fit comfortably inside most NBA arenas. How has an issue affecting such an infinitesimal part of the population come to dominate America’s culture and politics?

Marxists Hijack Trans Movement

After the fall of the USSR, Marxists were homeless. Collectivism, in light of the ignominious collapse of the Soviet Union, was discredited and toxic. However, Marxists were not chastened and continued to guzzle the commie cool-aide.

First, they took over the environmental movement and later the climate change movement. Now, they have hijacked the trans movement. But their focus and goals remain unchanged, i.e. to destroy western civilization and impose collectivism.

Marxists believe gender is a social construct and a false binary that underpins a white male heterosexual power structure which must be deconstructed. They see the trans movement as a bridge to communism in our time – a new communist way of relating to one another. In her book, Transgender Marxism, trans activist Rosa Lee argues:

Trans people can serve as the new vanguard of the proletariat, promising to abolish heteronormativity in the same way orthodox Marxism promised to abolish capitalism.”

Perspectives About the Trans Movement

Following are some thoughts about the transgender movement.

  • Transgenders, who are part of the .06%, deserve our support. They also are victims, as what should be a medical issue has become hyperpolitical.
  • Progressives, Marxists and their media lapdogs have hijacked the trans movement to achieve their unrelated goals – which are so noxious they must be masked.
  • The vast majority of youths (70%) who claim to be trans really are homosexual.
  • Those who make a fuss over pronouns enjoy calling attention to themselves and making others feel uncomfortable. They really don’t care about the pronouns.
  • Activist teachers and health care workers propagandize by using the euphemistic gender affirming care, just as abortion is described as choice.
  • Follow the money. Gender surgery has become highly profitable. What has become of the physicians’ oath to “first, do no harm”?
  • If people can change their gender identity, why not their disability status, age, race, ethnicity, income cohort or any other aspect of their identity?

Children and Transgenderism

One day, sooner rather than later, the surgical and chemical mutilation of children as young as 10 will come to be seen with horror. We as a society will grapple with understanding why and how we came to tolerate such atrocities. Children are easily confused and influenced – recall how children were manipulated during the day care abuse hoaxes. This has become a red state, blue state issue. At fashionable California dinner parties, at least one of the attendees is likely to have a child in transition.

Next Target: Pedophilia

Transgenderism moved rapidly from the fringes of society to the epicenter after it was hijacked by twenty-first century Marxists. The media jumped on the bandwagon and soon the money flooded in. Eventually, all the usual suspects came on board and, voila, the trans movement became a wedge political and cultural issue.

The Marxist playbook that has worked for the environmental, climate change and transgender movements can be made to work for other issues as well. Issues, currently on the fringe of society, that are likely to be catapulted onto center stage within the next five years are pedophilia followed by plural marriage.

However, next on progressives’ radar screens is pedophilia. They euphemistically relabel pedophiles as minor-attracted persons. They won’t attempt to remove the age of consent all at once. They already are advocating lowering it to 16 . That soon will be followed by a push to lower it to 14 and then to 12 before abolishing it entirely.

If you think this can’t happen, the age of consent in some US states already is 13 and 14 (with restrictions); many states are at age 16 with no restrictions. Germany and many South American countries are at age 14 with no restrictions. Africa has one country at age 12 without restrictions. Muslim nations have no predetermined minimum age of consent for sex or marriage; it is based on custom.

If you believe pedophilia could never become legal in the USA, think again. If one believes it is okay for children as young as ten to be chemically and surgically castrated and to have their genitals irreversibly mutilated, it dosen’t seem like a big stretch to argue that these same kids should have the right to choice about sex. If this seems far-fetched to you, so did transgenderism a scant five years ago.

© 2024 George Noga
More Liberty – Less Government, Post Office Box 916381
Longwood, FL 32791-6381, Email:


Equity Means Socialism

What if everyone was equal?

Equity Means Socialism

Collectivism has gone by many names: socialism, communism, fascism, Marxism, democratic socialism, Utopianism, Fabianism, progressivism – and now, the most mellifluous term of them all – equity. Despite its euphony, equity is just another code word intended for maskirovka and to make socialism palatable – just as politically correct hospitals refer to death as a negative patient outcome.

The horrors of socialism, in all its names and iterations, has been the subject of dystopian works such as Atlas Shrugged, Animal Farm, 1984 and Brave New World. Herein, I take a fresh look at what equity could look like in the 21st century.

Harrison Bergeron

Kurt Vonnegut’s short story, Harrison Bergeron, published in 1961 provides one spine-chilling perspective. It is set in the year 2081, after the 213th Amendment to the Constitution is ratified making every American equal. A powerful new government czar, the Handicapper-General, strictly enforces the law so that everyone performs at the lowest common level. Everyone is handicapped. Those who are good looking must wear masks; those who are strong or athletic must carry weights; those who are smart must wear earbuds to disrupt their thought process. For example, more proficient ballerinas are weighted down and masked to counteract their gracefulness and appearance so the audience won’t feel bad about their own appearance.

The protagonist is 14-year-old Harrison Bergeron, a genius, tall, incredibly handsome, athletic, strong, artistic and brave. The Handicapper-General forces Harrison to wear earphones, glasses to cut his vision by 50%, disfiguring makeup, blackened teeth, a red rubber nose and 300 pounds of weight to compensate for his prodigious strength. However, Harrison decides to live unimpeded by government interference. Note: There have been several movies made of Harrison Bergeron.

Achieving Perfect Equity

Following is my idea for how perfect equity could be achieved today? The most progressive minds in America could create a master algorithm incorporating all known markers of success and failure. The algorithm would take into account, inter alia, DNA, race, gender, sexual orientation, height, weight, IQ, life expectancy and appearance. Exogenous factors in the algorithm would be birth place, social class, family income and educational level.

The end result of the master algorithm would be a polygenic score assigned to everyone at birth. Those with positive scores would pay a polygenic tax, while those with negative scores would receive a corresponding benefit. The taxes and benefits would vary in direct proportion to how much the scores were positive or negative. The scores would be reevaluated and adjusted periodically so that any inequalities that emerged would be corrected. Done correctly, this could make everyone equal.

Mythical Germanic Kingdom

In the real world perfect equality is a chimera. If all wealth were equalized, within a few years the wealth distribution would return to the status quo ante. Equity is merely the latest stalking horse for socialism. Interestingly, no sci-fi (or other) writers have ever written a positive story about a society where everyone is perfectly equal.

Something in the human condition makes some people (usually those with nothing to lose) dream of collectivism – the term du jour being equity. This post provided a peek at what perfect equity might look like – Harrison Bergeron with a 300-pound weight and algorithmic polygenic scores. How much of that kind of equity do you want?

Despite the failure of all forms of collectivism throughout the ages, progressives dream of a world, like the mythical Germanic kingdom, where candy grows on trees, lemonade flows in rivers and the fattest, ugliest and stupidest person is king.

© 2023 George Noga
More Liberty – Less Government, Post Office Box 916381
Longwood, FL 32791-6381, Email:




MLLG Special: The Camouflaged Nexus Of . . . Climate Change, Critical Race Theory and the Spending Crisis

There is a hidden connection among climate change, race and the spending crisis.

MLLG Special: The Camouflaged Nexus Of . . .

Climate Change, Critical Race Theory and the Spending Crisis

By: George Noga – July 18, 2021

Three mega-issues changing America are linked in ways not well understood. Climate change is regarded, including by President Biden, as an existential issue in the literal sense and not the philosophical sense of mankind’s search for meaning. The spending crisis will change America forever and Critical Race Theory has become an accepted part of pedagogy in schools, universities and workplaces throughout America.

The common denominator of these three issues is socialism along with its misanthropic stepchildren: communism, progressivism, and liberalism. In each case, unreconstructed socialists are the driving force behind the cause. They are working in tandem toward the same goal – whether or not they coordinate their efforts. They receive financing and succor from a coterie of camp followers and useful idiots including progressive groups, academia, public sector labor unions, teachers, media, government bureaucrats, NGOs, entertainment, organized religion, social media – and even sports and business.

Climate Change and Socialism

After the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of communism, die-hard Marxists were homeless. They decided to pursue their goals via a back door by taking over the environmental (and later, climate change) movement. They simply cloaked their anti-capitalist agenda in green language and became watermelon environmentalists, i.e. green on the outside but red on the inside. Patrick Moore, a founder of Greenpeace, said, “Following the collapse of communism, Marxists hijacked the (climate change) movement. Their far left agenda is about socialism, not ecology or (climate).”

Critical Race Theory (“CRT”) and Socialism

Marxism is based on class conflict and the belief that workers would seize the means of production and create a utopian socialist society. However, socialist-style regimes proved dismal failures, murdering over 100 million of their own people. The human carnage and economic toll were so great even die-hard Marxists couldn’t hide from it. Moreover, Marxists came to understand workers in the USA, Western Europe, Japan and many other places never would buy into the notion of class struggle.

Just as Marxists knew they needed a back door (environmentalism and climate change) to achieve their goal, they also recognized they needed an alternative to class struggle. They decided to substitute race (and ethnic) struggle for class struggle and BINGO, Critical Race Theory was created. Masters of maskirovka, commies decided on the euphemism “equity” as their mantra. By equity they mean an end to private property and redistribution of everything according to race. There would be no individual rights, only group rights. At its core, Critical Race Theory is virulent socialism.

Spending Crisis, Modern Monetary Theory (“MMT”) and Socialism

Most groups pushing for MMT and massive spending, debt and deficits are socialist. Once again, they are seeking a back door to socialism. Progressives understand Americans will not accept socialism under normal circumstances; therefore, they must create an emergency serious enough to beguile Americans into accepting the hitherto unacceptable. Thus, we have a spending crisis that will result in horrors so frightening people will accept anything – especially if they are promised it is only temporary. The spending crisis is yet another back door to a socialist United States of America.

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There you have it – the nexus of climate change, CRT and spending; they all represent back doors to socialism. The leaders of these movements know full well what they are doing but are few in number. They must rely on camp followers and useful idiots, i.e. clueless liberals besotted with feel-good progressive bromides and good intentions.

We must stand up to these assaults on our liberty and way of life. That requires the courage to speak the truth and to withstand the slings and arrows directed at you by elitist mobs. But courage begets courage and a majority is one person with courage.

Next on July 25th – The school choice movement in America.
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