Slavery Contextualized

Slavery Contextualized

There are more slaves today than at any point in history

OCT 29, 2023

The astounding and unexpected success of the powerful fact-based movie The Sound of Freedom has focused attention on modern slavery, which today is lumped together as human trafficking. Operation Underground Railroad (“OUR”), the organization behind the movie, leads the global fight against trafficking. OUR estimates there are 50 million people being trafficked today – the most at any point in history. Moreover, this number does not include the tens of millions held in peonage, or debt slavery.

Children constitute 35% of the victims. In the US today there are over 5 million slaves found in all 50 states of which sex trafficking constitutes 70%. Other common forms of twenty-first century slavery are forced labor, forced marriage, child soldiering and forced begging. Chattel slavery, the type common in the 19th century, also exists in many countries including Mauritania, South Sudan, Ghana and Libya. In some of these places there are open slave markets – just like hundreds of years ago.

girl in white crew neck shirt
Photo by Nathan Bingle on Unsplash

Slavery as Taught in Government Schools

There is much controversy about how slavery is taught in government (public) schools, with many teaching CRT and the 1619 project. Slavery, in all its myriad forms, is evil always and everywhere and it is right and proper for schools to teach children about its history and evils. The problem is lack of context.

Progressives, who have an ironclad grip on government schools, teach only about slavery in América. They divorce it from all contexts and fail to inform students about mitigating factors. As a result, students believe slavery occurred only in America and are ignorant of the often-heroic efforts to abolish it. Following is some much needed contextualization – some of which likely will surprise or even shock you.

Slavery in Historical Context

Slavery always has been a tragic, but inseparable, part of the human condition. It is thriving today and is even more profitable to the criminal cartels than illicit drugs. However, I am focusing on the period after the discovery of America.

From the 16th to the 19th century, 10 million slaves were shipped from Africa to the West. However, during that same time period, a far greater number (15 million) was sent east to the Ottoman Empire. Today there are many millions of descendants of those slaves in the west but virtually none in the east. Why is that? The slaves sent east were castrated and then killed when their usefulness ended. Thus eastern countries, which imported 50% more slaves than the West, do not have a legacy of slavery because there are few surviving progeny – due to castration.

Relatively few slaves were forcibly captured by European slavers. Most were sold by other Africans, even by their own families, making them complicit in the slave trade. The slave trade could not have succeeded without the active support of African elites.

“Selling one’s neighbors, and even one’s own children, into slavery is more condemnable than buying them.” Voltaire

Slaves were not limited to Africans. As recently as the 19th century, Barbary pirates captured and enslaved over one million Europeans. In America, emancipated slaves, who could afford it, also became slave owners.

The West Africa Squadron

There were many heroic actions taken by the West to end slavery. I will describe one of them – a massive, but largely forgotten by history, effort by Britain that spanned over half a century. Slavery was abolished in Britain in 1807 and they used the Royal Navy to wipe out the slave trade throughout much of the world.

Britain established a naval squadron to patrol the coast of West Africa; the squadron grew to include 20% of its fleet. From 1808 to 1860, the West Africa Squadron captured 1,600 slave ships and freed 150,000 slaves – at a cost to the Royal Navy of over 1,500 men. Some historians have declared Britain’s West Africa Squadron the most expensive international moral action in modern history.

© 2023 George Noga
More Liberty – Less Government, Post Office Box 916381
Longwood, FL 32791-6381, Email:


A Tale of Two States: New York and Florida

New York spends $6,400 (125%) more per person than Florida – and for what?

A Tale of Two States: New York and Florida

By: George Noga – March 26, 2023

Refugees are fleeing en masse from NY to FL, and it is easy to see why. The mystery is why everyone doesn’t. Let’s begin with some numbers which reveal much (but definitely not all) of the calculus for bolting from NY. A resident of Miami pays no (as in zip, zero, nada) state or local income tax, while denizens of the big apple pay 14.8%. New Yorkers pay 8.875% in sales tax versus 6% in Miami. Florida’s constitution caps residential real estate taxes which generally hover around only 1% of value.

The NY budget calls for spending $227 billion ($11,500 per resident); the FL budget contains spending of $115 billion ($5,100 per capita). NY spends twice as much as FL even though FL has 2.5 million more people. Florida’s economy is growing at twice the rate of NY and its unemployment rate is half that of NY. Estate taxes in NY are 16%, while FL has no state inheritance or estate tax. And a moving van costs 500% more in NY. But there is much more to the story than is revealed by the numbers alone.

New York is where safety, civility, culture and liberty go to die.

Paying double in taxes might be okay if NY was a Garden of Eden and its sky-high taxes resulted in la dolce vita for its inhabitants. However, New York has toxic governance based on identity politics, Kafkaesque regulation, stratospheric living costs, mandatory unionization and crumbling infrastructure. Its failed government schools are run by unions and are petri dishes for dysfunction and social pathologies. Crime is rampant while gun control is uber-strict. There is massive public debt, unfunded liabilities and tanking credit ratings. NY bollixed the pandemic response and, in obeisance to teachers’ unions, shuttered schools for years causing irreparable harm.

New York is a woke sanctuary state that tolerates homelessness, open drug use and human filth. NY decriminalizes arson, looting and shoplifting, while defunding police and eliminating cash bail. NY pits people against each other based on race, income, age, ethnicity and gender. NY’s stagnating economy hemorrhages its most productive citizens. NY schools teach the 1619 Project, CRT and encourage young children to question their gender without parental involvement. Housing is scarce, dilapidated and costly with rent control and eviction bans. Environmentalism run amok doubles the cost of energy. New York is where safety, civility, culture and liberty go to die.

Each and every one of the horrors of life in New York listed above is non-existent in the free state of Florida. Will the last person to leave NY kindly turn off the lights?

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The Raison d’etre of Government

The answer is not more government or even better and wiser government.

The Raison d’etre of Government

By: George Noga – January 23, 2022

Preamble to the US Constitution

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Since the Neolithic Revolution 12,000 years ago, when humans transitioned from nomadic hunter-gatherer clans to settled agricultural societies, people have banded together for security from internal and external threats to their lives, property and liberty. The Declaration of Independence proclaims all men have an unalienable right to life, liberty, and (property) pursuit of happiness. The Constitution, in its preamble above, establishes the raison d’etre for our government as being mostly about security, i.e. justice, domestic tranquility, defense and liberty. Indeed, the social contract between man and the state always has been, first and foremost, about security.

Americans expect government, above everything else, to protect their lives, property and liberty. Progressive government at all levels, national, state and local, is failing in this, the most basic role of government. The Biden Administration is failing to provide for the common defense. Its manifest weakness, on full display in Afghanistan, is an open invitation to Putin, Xi, Kim, Iran and to tyrants everywhere. Moreover, Biden is slashing (real) defense spending as progressives always do when in power. The most potent asset in our defense arsenal is our economy and Biden is weakening it.

Progressives in control of state and local governments refuse to protect citizens and property from mob violence. They defund police, decriminalize larceny, abolish bail, create sanctuary cities and refuse to prosecute serious offenses. They impose gun control to keep citizens from defending themselves and their property from mobs; instead, they prosecute those (McCloskeys, Rittenhouse) who exercise their rights.

Rather than defending Americans’ lives, property and liberty, Biden and his top advisors, all selected based on identity rather than merit, are putting us at greater risk. They are destroying the property and life savings of many Americans by the pernicious inflation they have unleashed. Their profligate spending is hastening the arrival of a debt crisis and a lost generation for our children and our children’s children.

Progressives, and those who enable them, have lost sight of the reason Americans have a government in the first place. It is not for transgender bathrooms, CRT, identity or wokeness. They are placing our lives at risk from both foreign and domestic threats. They are failing to protect our property from criminals, looting and mob violence. They are assaulting our liberty in myriad ways – using the pandemic to abolish our right to assemble, to worship and to be secure in our persons (vaccine mandates).

Ironically, the evils catalogued supra all were promulgated by a form of government most people consider to be among the best in the world and even throughout history. The root cause of our present accursedness is not a failure of government or even bad government – although we presently have both. Rather, it is due simply to immutable human nature and to our government behaving like governments always do.

Indeed, the entire sweep of human history in the 12,000 years since the Neolithic Revolution instructs us that it is foolish to believe people can control government. We can’t; but we can limit it. Dear readers, the answer lies not in better, wiser or even enlightened government. The answer lies in more liberty and less government.

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Our next post January 30th is about taxing billionaires.

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