Best Time to Have Lived as an American

From 1776 to 2022 – When was the best time to have lived as an American?

Special Independence Day Posting . . .

Best Time to Have Lived as an American

By: George Noga – July 3, 2022

As I celebrate Independence Day 2022, I feel privileged to have lived at the best time to be an American. Regrettably, my joy is tinctured with sadness for reasons you will see infra. For years, I have heard an eerily similar refrain from people of my post-war generation and of all political persuasions. Most expressed it unsolicited and with fervor, i.e., the belief our generation has lived during the best time to be an American.

When my interlocutors express this view, invariably they are making a statement that is much more about the future than about the past. To a person – they believe the future will be worse and our children and grandchildren will inhabit a dystopian, multi-polar world of wokism and climate madness, combined with an existential debt crisis. America in 2022 hauntingly resembles Yeats’ The Second Coming; his apocalyptic poem describes a world coming apart and foretells of an impending crisis.

Turning and turning in the widening gyre

The falcon cannot hear the falconer;

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;

Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,

The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere

The ceremony of innocence is drowned;

The best lack all conviction while the worst

Are full of passionate intensity.

There is a strong case that the period from WWII to the present was the best time to be an American. Although there were wars in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, the post-war period was devoid of hot wars involving major powers. Astounding advances occurred in every field: medicine, genetics, transport, computers, consumer electronics and life expectancy. There were transformative advances for women, blacks, LGTBQ, elderly, and even animals. Economic progress was breathtaking and included the virtual elimination of poverty, increased leisure and an active period of retirement measured in decades. No prior period comes remotely close to such progress.

The time since WWII has indeed been great; but Americans always have believed, as an article of faith, that the future would be even better. Strikingly, not a single one of my interlocutors believes the future will be brighter for our progeny. Consequently, the belief that my generation lived at the best time to be an American has a profound and dark corollary, i.e. the conviction that America’s future will be worse – much worse.

There is a crisis of authority – turning in the widening gyre, the falcon cannot hear the falconer. Politics has become extreme; people demonize those with opposing views – the centre cannot hold; mere anarchy is loosed upon the world. There will be a Clockwork Orange (blood-dimmed) future where our children’s innocence is drowned. Too many Americans (conservatives) lack the conviction to stop our drift to socialism while the worst of us (progressive ideologues) are full of passionate intensity.

All the institutions Americans always could fall back on in difficult times have become hopelessly corrupted and politicized. The media eschew truth and embrace advocacy; fact checkers distort and lie; truth is elusive. Science is politicized, including climate, pandemics and gender. Education, from kindergarten through college, is hyper-political and fails to teach. Sports is corrupted with wokism, BLM and gender issues. Our criminal justice system favors criminals with abolition of bail, decriminalization and prosecutors who won’t prosecute. Immigration is badly broken and politicized.

Our politics is extreme and caters to identity and to the lowest common denominator among us; it seeks to separate Americans by race, gender, income and age. Our election systems are wide open to fraud on a massive scale. Corporations have been infected with woke capitalism, substituting symbolic and rhetorical placebos for economic value. Our military has become woke and is afflicted by white privilege and transgender issues. Religion, including even the Pope, is confused about right and wrong. Climate madness spawns mass delusion. Economists embrace MMT and tell us we can borrow without limit and that the moon is made of Stilton.

All our trusted institutions have self-destructed and we are slouching toward socialism and ultimately to Gomorrah. I close with the final two lines of The Second Coming.

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,

Slouches toward Bethlehem to be born?

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Next up on July 10th: Annus horribilis at the half way mark.

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Special Independence Day Posting – Invading Aliens, Liberals and Muslims

This special Fourth of July posting was inspired by the movie Independence Day.
You see, invading aliens have a great deal in common with liberals and Muslims. 
Special Independence Day Posting
Invading Aliens, Liberals and Muslims
By: George Noga – July 4, 2017
       In the movie Independence Day, an alien race invaded Earth. After ravaging their home planet, they were forced to abandon it and to find another planet. The aliens planned to despoil Earth and then move on to plunder yet other planets. An alien race raping and pillaging planets, failing to learn from it and then replicating such sordid behavior on unspoiled new planets, repulsed everyone who saw the movie. Yet, something eerily similar is happening today with Muslims and liberals.

       Muslims desert their home countries en mass to emigrate to western democracies. They avidly abandon toxic Muslim countries so they can speak, vote, live and worship in liberty and secure a better life for themselves and for their children. Yet, what do they do after they arrive? They agitate to turn their new nations into replicas of the entropic, dysfunctional places they abandoned. They demand Sharia law, genital mutilation, honor killings, proscriptions against free speech and the gamut of failed policies that turned their home countries into bleak authoritarian wastelands. Their behavior parallels that of the aliens who invaded Earth on Independence Day.

       Such behavior also is mirrored by disillusioned liberals who are ditching bankrupt blue states in droves. Progressives dump foundering blue states to avoid confiscatory taxes, Draconian regulations, failed schools, mandatory unionization, rampant crime, political corruption and gun control. They are eager to escape the prevailing sense of malaise, torpor, ennui, angst, melancholy and disorder endemic in blue state America. They bolt to red states with lower taxes, better schools, fewer regulations, right to work laws, less crime and where everyday life is simpler and more humanistic.

    So, how do liberals behave after they decamp to red states? The transplanted progressives continue to vote for the same virulent, pernicious and toxic policies that will turn their new homes into the failed blue states they desperately fled. This is well underway as liberals despairingly abandon Puerto Rico for Florida, Massachusetts for New Hampshire and California for Nevada. They already changed voting patterns in those states. Recently, New Hampshire was a reliably red state, but libs fleeing Taxachusetts turned it blue. It is Independence Day deja vu. Will they ever learn?

      It is hard to draw any distinction between the rapacious aliens who invaded Earth on Independence Day and the Muslims invading Western Europe and the liberals invading, inter alia, Florida, New Hampshire and Nevada. There is one critically important difference however: the aliens invading Earth could always move on to other planets. That is not an option for us if Muslims and liberals are able to corrupt and despoil everything in their path and leave Earth a vast dystopian wasteland.

Our next post July 9th resumes the series about taxation in America.

President Obama and King George III

President Obama’s actions eerily parallel many of those of King George III. Our founders judged the king’s actions tyrannical enough to start a revolution

Special Independence Day Posting

By: George Noga – July 4, 2016

    The Declaration of Independence catalogues a long train of abuses by King George III that Americans considered oppressive enough to revolt against and to fight a long, bloody war for independence. Now, 240 years later, an American president has committed many of those same abuses; the similarities are striking as itemized below.

1. “He (George III) has suspended laws in their operation” (from the Declaration). Obama suspended and changed several parts of the ACA (ObamaCare) law. He granted his political supporters exemptions and illegally gutted the welfare reform law.

2. “He has dissolved representative houses” (Declaration). Obama recess appointments while the Senate clearly was not in recess are tantamount to dissolving a representative house. Courts ruled his actions unconstitutional but his appointees remain in office.

3. “He has erected a multitude of new offices and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people and to eat out their substance” (Declaration). Obama appointed a multitude of unaccountable czars, covered up IRS abuse of political opponents and unleashed his EPA, NLRB, et al. to wreak havoc with innumerable illegal regulations.

4. “He has combined with others to subject us to jurisdictions unacknowledged by our laws” (Declaration). Obama wants US courts to be subject to rulings of international and foreign courts. He supports treaties (UN Law of the Sea) that subjugate Americans to the UN, international organizations and foreign courts. He refused to submit the Iran Nuclear Treaty for Senate ratification – dishonestly calling it an executive agreement.

5. “He has forbidden his Governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance” (Declaration). Obama, through his Attorney General, prevented Arizona and other states from enforcing laws to protect their citizens from imminent harm.

6. “He has refused his assent to laws necessary for the public good” (Declaration). Obama refuses to agree to critically needed laws without quid pro quo or poison pills;  a good example is failing to reduce corporate tax rates to end job-killing inversions.

7. “He has obstructed laws for the naturalization of foreigners” (Declaration). Obama refuses to enforce immigration laws and takes actions directly contrary to such laws. The only difference between Obama and George III is the direction of the immigration.

8. “He has excited domestic insurrections against us” (Declaration). Obama has given succor and cover to violent groups and criminals; he fanned the flames for the current war against police and the violent crime wave sweeping our inner cities.

  There are far more homologies between Obama and George III, but you get the idea.

  King George III was a non compos mentis hereditary sovereign monarch of a despotic foreign occupying power bent on the utter destruction of our liberty and the subjugation of the American people. President Obama is an elected representative of the American people sworn to uphold the Constitution and faithfully enforce the laws of the United States. It shouldn’t be hard to distinguish Obama’s actions from those of George III; however, Obama has proven to be one heck of a caricature of George III.

The next post scheduled for mid July begins our summer series, Montana Moments.