American Exceptionalism

American Exceptionalism

Was America exceptional; is it still exceptional?


DEC 31, 2023

Much has been written about American exceptionalism (or the lack thereof) since Barack Obama’s turgid assertion that America was no more exceptional than Greece or, by implication, any other country. The fact of Obama being a two-term president of these United States, a nation only 13% African-American, gives lie to that statement. Can you imagine, even for one brief moment, a Caucasian being elected president of South Africa, a nation that coincidentally is only 13% white?

America Was Exceptional Because Its People Were Exceptional

Several years ago, I completed a three-volume 425,000 word family history that took years of research and encompassed nearly 400 people. It included my ancestors and their progeny (of which there are many) who immigrated to or were were born in America. It also included many of my ancestors and their progeny who remained in Europe – Slovakia on my father’s side and Hungary on my mother’s side.

I hired genealogists in both Slovakia and Hungary to research my ancestry and to identify living relatives in those countries. I travelled there twice, once with genealogists accompanying me as guides and translators. I met many relatives who never knew I existed. This provided me a rare perspective to compare the descendants of my ancestors who remained in Europe to those who immigrated to America.

My ancestors who emigrated from Slovakia and Hungary were the smartest, most ambitious, hardest working and most open to risk. Try to imagine leaving behind family and friends to take a long ocean voyage to an unknown place without money, education or speaking the language. Such people must have been imbued with an intense desire for liberty and to better themselves at great risk. There can be no mistake about the outcome; my ancestors who emigrated and their descendants are infinitely better off in every possible metric than those who remained in Europe.

If my family saga, admittedly anecdotal, proves anything, it is that those who immigrated to America were truly exceptional. Thus, America was seeded with exceptional people who did not follow the path of least resistance. America was exceptional because it was populated with exceptional people!

Other Indicia of American Exceptionalism

  • Many Europeans (Tocqueville, Trollope, Dickens and thousands of other lesser luminaries) marveled at and wrote extensively about America’s exceptionalism
  • America’s setting between two oceans and with a seemingly boundless frontier
  • Its founding documents defining the relationship between man and the state
  • The idea that men had natural rights not derived from the state
  • A pervasive sense of egalitarianism not found elsewhere

Historian Bernard Bailyn wrote the following description of early America.

Faith ran high that a better world than any that ever had been known could be built where authority was distrusted and held in constant scrutiny; where the status of men flowed from their achievements and from their personal qualities, not from distinctions ascribed to their birth; and where the use of power over the lives of men was jealously guarded and severely restricted. It was only where there was this defiance, this refusal to truckle, this distrust of all authority that institutions could express human aspirations, not crush them.”

Is America Exceptional Today?

I have no doubt whatsoever that America was exceptional at its founding, during the early years of the republic, during its march toward manifest destiny and well into the twentieth century. But things began to change in the second half of the 20th century.

I also have no doubt American exceptionalism has significantly eroded. All the indicia of our exceptionalism listed supra have been degraded. The oceans no longer isolate us; there is no frontier; egalitarianism has morphed into a more rigid class structure; our politics have become vulgar; and our liberties are under constant assault.

Bailyn’s description of early America no longer applies. The exceptionalism of our people, particularly their love of liberty, has been diluted by many subsequent generations where the qualities of early Americans have not been reinforced. As Ronald Reagan often said: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children. It must be fought for and protected.

America in 2024 is like a priceless jewel whose setting has become badly tarnished. Yet quite unmistakably, significant vestiges of American exceptionalism remain. America continues to be a beacon of liberty and hope for millions of people in countries all over the world – a shining city on the hill.

© 2023 George Noga
More Liberty – Less Government, Post Office Box 916381
Longwood, FL 32791-6381, Email:


Election 2024 Update

Election 2024 Update

Will Biden and Trump be the nominees?


DEC 10, 2023

Readers have asked for my take on the 2024 election. For the many new readers of my blog on the Substack platform, I have been involved as a participant and keen observer of politics for nearly 60 years. I have gotten it right (including Trump in 2016) far more than I have whiffed. Read my political bonafides on Substack.

A young African American woman casting her ballot in 1964

Democratic Party Nomination

Joe Biden will not be the Democratic Party nominee. One of my favorite aphorisms is that if something cannot go on forever, it won’t. Biden cannot go on forever in his present physical and cognitive state. His deterioration is visible to all and is getting worse. Moreover, the Biden family corruption scandal is closing in on him from all sides. Biden will be forced to drop out of the race for the following reasons:

  • His physical condition, already highly problematic, will deteriorate and he will experience more public episodes of falling, stumbling and fragility.
  • He will continue to degrade cognitively, again with highly public episodes of confusion, mumbling, silence, misspeaking and spinning tall tales.
  • Evidence, already quite abundant, of the Biden family business of corruption, influence peddling, money laundering, tax evasion and bribery will reach such a critical mass that it no longer can be plausibly denied. Evidence of Biden corruption is mounting on a weekly basis and will only get worse.
  • Polling shows Biden losing nationally to Trump and to the other Republican candidates and in nearly all the swing states – by wide and increasing margins.
  • Biden’s support among independents, Hispanics, Arab-Americans, the young, Black males and suburbanites is tanking by double digits and plummeting.
  • Democratic politicians and media are publicly challenging Biden’s fitness. It is only a matter of time until one or more top Democrats (Obama?) speaks out.
  • Biden’s fund raising is anemic; many big donors are holding back.
  • Kamala Harris is a monumental liability; Biden can’t ditch her – but another nominee could. Moreover, there is a good chance she would become president in a Biden second term and would be a electoral disaster for Democrats in 2028.

Biden will hold out as long as possible because he is stubborn; Jill wants to continue being first lady; and (critically) he wants to retain the power to issue pardons for himself, family members and others involved in promoting the Biden brand.

If Not Biden, Who?

The nominee will be Gavin Newsom; there really aren’t other viable choices. Kamala Harris would be a disaster. Also, invoking Occam’s Razor, Newsom is the most logical choice and he is chomping at the bit to enter the race.

I would not rule out Michelle Obama stepping in at the last minute in a brokered convention. That would have two benefits. First, it would solve the Kamala Harris problem. Second, it would leave little time for Michelle to self destruct. I understand Michelle is popular, but that doesn’t translate into an electoral mandate.

Republican Party Nomination

Trump has such a commanding lead, it is difficult to imagine anyone overtaking him. At the date of this post, the only person with even a long shot is Nikki Haley. Ron DeSantis had a shot but blew it. He made four critical errors, all preventable. Note: I like DeSantis, believe he is a great governor and would make a good president.

  1. His campaign misfired at the very beginning due to mismanagement. He hired the wrong political consultants and managers – since replaced.
  2. He ran on social issues. This was unnecessary as he already had established his anti-wokeness bonafides. He should have left Disney alone; there was no upside from piling on. Instead, he should have focused on bread and butter issues.
  3. DeSantis fails to come across as a personable campaigner.
  4. The Florida six-week abortion ban was a gashing, self-inflicted wound.

General Election

Who will win, Trump or Newsom? The plethora of independent and third party candidates muddies the waters. As of now, the following candidates are likely:

  • Independent: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
  • Independent: Cornel West
  • No Labels: Nominee unknown – possibly a Manchin/Romney ticket
  • Green Party: Jill Stein is the likely nominee
  • Libertarian Party: Nominee not yet determined

All the independent and third party movements, except the Libertarian Party, favor Trump as they would draw far more votes from Biden.

The election is over 300 days away and it is far too early for me to opine. But stay tuned to my blog for more about election 2024 and my fearless forecast.

© 2023 George Noga
More Liberty – Less Government, Post Office Box 916381
Longwood, FL 32791-6381, Email:


Dreaming of a Woke Christmas

Dreaming of a Woke Christmas

Warning: candy canes resemble a shepherd’s crook


NOV 26, 2023

Santa Claus (please, no fat shaming) has been cancelled because he (preferred pronoun) is a phallocentric, cisgender, heteronormative, oppressive white male existing solely within an ageist authoritarian hierarchy. He is misogynistic and fraught with mansplaining, bropriation, toxic masculinity and white fragility.

Only unwoke children adhering to bourgeois capitalistic values and to moral absolutism (by not being naughty) receive gifts during the Celebration of Winter (formerly known as Christmas). Such children are brainwashed and seduced into a lifelong exploitative and metastasizing addiction to conspicuous consumption.

santa claus with red background
What? Me cancelled!

Santa’s bribes to gift-addled children are made by degendered, height-challenged, marginalized elves at the North Pole, a hostile post-colonial, non-union, right-to-work setting. The oppressed elves and reindeer must avoid stepping off the shrinking polar ice cap. At least ze (preferred plural pronoun for elves) no longer need to watch out for polar bears on passing ice floes due to their rapidly shrinking population.

Woke Christmas Shopping and Decorating

Scrooge-like robber barons such as Wal-Mart lure unsuspecting shoppers with elaborate decorations, holiday music and even (horrors) low prices. Some stores stoop so low as to provide ersatz Santas to lure, confuse and coax young children into an anti-proletarian lifestyle. If you should feel overwhelmed by microaggressions while shopping, seek a safe room with elevator music, teddy bears, images of frolickingly puppies, Play-Doh, warm milk and cookies. Should you need a rest room, make sure there is one available that comports with your gender identity at that moment.

Décor for the Celebration of Winter must exclude trees and anything intended to hang on trees. Also offensive are images of Santa, reindeer and anything red or green. Most offensive are nativity scenes. Avoid snowflakes and snow globes; however, making snow people is acceptable. Avoid holiday lights unless the power comes from solar or windmills as the energy wasted will lead to more fracking and pipelines. Be on high alert to avoid candy canes which resemble a shepherd’s crook – bummer.

Gift Guidelines for a Woke Christmas

Eschew toys made in China with slave labor; however, it is just fine to buy EVs that use child labor in Africa. Buy locally to avoid leaving a humongous carbon footprint. Take care to avoid cultural appropriation and non-intersectionality. Don’t use wrapping paper or cards as the environmental impact of paper products requires clear cutting of old growth forests and sacrificing spotted owls on the altar of unbridled consumerism. Moreover, disposing of all the waste requires countless new landfills. Lengthy after Christmas lines to return gifts attest to their utter depravity; obviously, people neither needed nor wanted the gifts. This is not gaslighting.

Avoid gender specific gifts; above all, this means NRA-inspired toy guns for the deplorable and irredeemably racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic and xenophobic boys in flyover land. They will cling to their new guns along with their religion. Avoid gifts from companies guilty of greenwashing.

Certain woke gifts are acceptable, such as birth control pills for birthing people on rape-infested college campuses. Personalized N-95 masks are a good choice. If all else fails, a Che Guevara sweatshirt always is sure to please your woke friends.

Vacations to socialist utopias such as North Korea, Gaza, and nearby Venezuela are popular with progressives; however, remind your recipient to bring zer (preferred pronoun) own toilet paper. If you can’t afford foreign travel, California, New York or Illinois are good substitutes. If you want to impress your favorite liberal, give zem (preferred pronoun) a U-Haul to Florida. For a really big splurge, you could provide private security to your blue state BFF in a sanctuary state where crime and looting are rampant, guns are banned, police have been defunded and cash bail eliminated.

Woke Christmas Dinner

Once all the unwanted gifts and materials are properly recycled with zero waste, avoid binge eating f/k/a Christmas dinner – an affront to those with food insecurities. Avoid grace or even a moment of silence as this is but a veiled attempt at prayer. Eat only organic, non-GMO, sustainable, local and fair-traded foods. Consider a vegan, PETA approved menu; tofu is a great alternative. Avoid turkey which is not free range and is loaded with growth hormones, mutagens, carcinogens and antibiotics. Bon Appetit.

TRIGGER WARNING: Merry Christmas to all our readers from MLLG!

© 2023 George Noga
More Liberty – Less Government, Post Office Box 916381
Longwood, FL 32791-6381, Email:


Socialism and Bottled Water

Socialism and Bottled Water

A simple bottle of water explains socialism’s failure


Water began to be sold in single serve bottles in the USA during the 1970s. There always had been a small market for sparkling water and for bottled water in parts of the world where tap water was unsafe or of poor quality. But who would have fathomed that Americans would shell out good money for bottled water when safe, good quality water runs scot-free out of faucets, fountains and coolers?

bottled water

I am educated in economics and would like to believe I would make the best possible decisions to serve my fellow man. However, if I were a 1970s era socialist government planner, I would not have allowed our economy’s scarce resources to be used to produce and to distribute bottled water. After all, no one would buy it; right?

I would have been dead wrong; consumption now is 1 million bottles per minute.

Today, bottled water is the second largest beverage sold – ahead of both milk and beer. In 2022 Americans spent over $30 billion to buy 16 billion gallons. That pales in comparison to China which consumes nearly 100 billion bottles annually. The world market is over $300 billion and is forecast to hit $500 billion by 2030. Every day, people across the globe consume 1.3 billion plastic bottles, or about 1 million per minute. A Harris poll showed that 94% of Americans buy bottled water. Worldwide, 600 million households (about 2 billion people) drink bottled water. Whew!

All of my economic training, smarts, logic and pristine intentions would have failed dismally in discerning the preferences of my fellow man. I would have completely misjudged the creativity and ambition of entrepreneurs and the behavior of consumers armed with a free choice. Had I been the chief central planner for a socialist government in the 1970s, there would be no bottled water today.

One million bottles of water are consumed every minute!

However, as dead wrong I would have been about bottled water, no one would ever have known of my mistake because it would have been impossible to know what would have happened with free people in free markets.

Of course, it isn’t just about bottled water. There would be no copy machines, personal computers, smart phones, internet or a host of other products we take for granted today. IBM originally estimated the world market for copy machines at 5,000 and for personal computers at 100. The cognoscenti of the time believed the internet would be used only by government and universities.

No socialist government would have produced copy machines or personal computers or facilitated the internet. If perchance they had produced copiers or PCs they would have been shoddy – just like their cars (the Trabant comes to mind) that had less horsepower than today’s riding lawn mowers.

The humble bottle of water, available in any store for around one dollar, shatters the myth, arrogance and fatal conceit underlying socialism and all command economies.

© 2023 George Noga
More Liberty – Less Government, Post Office Box 916381
Longwood, FL 32791-6381, Email:


Public Sector Economics

Public Sector Economics

Special interests, rent-seekers and public employee unions

NOV 12, 2023

My blog frequently refers to public sector economics and it is time for a full post on that topic. There is a branch of economics dedicated to the public sector and Nobel Prizes have been won for pithy analysis of public choice economies.

Many people, particularly the young and progressives, have an infatuation with government. They view elected officials as benevolent, dispassionate actors seeking the best possible social outcomes. In contrast, they view private sector actors as self-interested and greedy. They are half right: private sector decision makers do indeed pursue self interest; however, public sector workers just as shamelessly pursue self interest even when that means throwing the public under the bus.

white concrete building under cloudy sky during daytime

Public sector economics at work

  • The goal of politicians, to the exclusion of all else, is winning the next election. They focus single-mindedly on that goal – no other objective comes close.
  • Their focus is very short term, i.e. the next election. They make disastrous decisions knowing full well they harm the public in the long run. That explains deficits in 57 of the last 62 years. They enact immediate unfunded pensions and other benefits while pushing off the costs as far into the future as possible.
  • Special interest groups, rent-seekers and unions seek to extract value from government without giving value in return. Unionized public sector workers get 25% more than their private sector peers for comparable work. In exchange, unions donate money, campaign workers and votes and the process repeats.
  • Politicians understand they can significantly benefit special interests even when clearly contrary to the public because the benefits are huge in relation to the costs when spread over 330 million taxpayers. For example, sugar subsidies, to a very small number of growers, cost taxpayers $4 billion per year, but that is only $50 per American family – not enough for them to strenuously object.
  • Central planning leads to bad decisions. It ignores real world preferences of real people, creates perverse incentives and results in unintended consequences.
  • The private sector is quick to recognize and to cut losses; for the public sector the incentive is to deny anything is wrong and continue to throw money at it.
  • The incentives and disincentives in government are horribly misaligned such that they reward behavior that is not in the public interest.
  • Politicians get feedback only infrequently during election years. Even then, that feedback is bundled with numerous other issues making it difficult to isolate issues individually. Moreover, in many jurisdictions elections are decided based on identity politics and voting blocks with the issues being an afterthought.
  • Politicians always choose borrowing over raising taxes and go to extreme lengths to make taxes as opaque as possible. In the words of one solon, the goal is to get the most feathers off the goose with the least amount of hissing.
  • In recent years, with interest rates near zero, politicians borrowed short-term instead of locking in historically low long-term rates. They committed this malpractice purely for political reasons so deficits would appear less. Both political parties were culpable as public sector economics applies universally.

Why government fails

Public sector economics demonstrates why government failure is systemic, structural, deeply rooted and incapable of reform. Waste, fraud, abuse and corruption are ingrained and rampant. Government is not based on markets; it is top-down, highly coercive, ignores consumer preferences and artificially creates winners and losers.

Government cannot be fixed and it is futile to try because basic human nature, which is highly responsive to risks, rewards and incentives, is unchanging. Business succeeds, where government fails, precisely because it properly aligns personal rewards and incentives with the goals of the business. Hence, the value proposition offered by the public sector does not attract talented hard working people.

How to reduce public sector pathologies

There is one way – and only one way – to reduce the pathologies inherent in the public sector – they cannot be eliminated – only reduced. The answer is to drastically shrink the size and scope of government. Even then, the public sector will fail, but it will be less of a failure; absolutely nothing else will work.

Americans do not need more government, better government, wiser government or even more frugal government. America needs less government!

© 2023 George Noga
More Liberty – Less Government, Post Office Box 916381
Longwood, FL 32791-6381, Email:


Balanced Budget Amendment

Balanced Budget Amendment

BBAs are doomed to fail – far too little – far too late

NOV 5, 2023

In recent months, highlighted by the hi-jinks in Congress, there have been renewed calls for a balanced budget amendment, or BBA. Over 80% of Americans say they favor a BBA to the Constitution. Is a BBA good medicine that would help get us on the right fiscal path; or, is it smoke, mirrors and maskirovka that would beguile Americans into falsely believing government is making progress toward solving the spending crisis? This post resoundingly answers that question.

a pile of twenty dollar bills sitting on top of each other

The threshold issue about a BBA, is the definition of budget. Does it apply to total government spending, to the so-called primary budget (which excludes interest on the debt) or only to non-defense discretionary spending? Any BBA excluding interest is worthless. That is akin to a family with ginormous debt claiming its budget is balanced excluding interest on its mortgage, auto loans and credit cards. Interest on the debt soon will balloon to $1.5 trillion, as rapidly maturing low-rate debt is being replaced by significantly higher-rate debt. A BBA that addresses only the primary budget would result in a $1.5 trillion – and rapidly increasing – annual deficit.

Ten Biggest Flaws Of a BBA

There are many questions and flaws with a BBA; following are only the top ten.

  1. How is budget defined; what does balanced mean?
  2. Do we balance annually or over an entire economic cycle?
  3. Are wars and natural disasters excluded and how are they defined?
  4. How do we deal with off-budget entities like Fannie, Freddie and USPS?
  5. How about supplemental funding legislation?
  6. How are loan guarantees handled; do they constitute spending?
  7. Can regulations be used instead of taxes to shift spending to the private sector?
  8. Are there any restraints on imposing new user fees?
  9. What about using the tax code to fund expenditures and incentives?
  10. Are mandates (such as Obamacare) permitted?

It is clear from the above that there are myriad paths around, through, over and under a BBA to eviscerate it. There would be untold unintended consequences such as imposing tax increases instead of cutting spending to comply with a BBA. It is impossible to take the politics out of politics.

Hard Truths About Balancing the Budget

  1. Politicians could define a BBA to include only non-defense discretionary spending. They could allow for many years of transition and backend load the spending cuts – many of which will never happen. Even this very limited objective (it excludes, entitlements, interest and defense) is an impossibility as it would require spending cuts approaching 100% of the remaining budget.
  2. Politicians could seek to balance only the primary budget. However, even that is impossible. In FY 2022-23 the US had a deficit of $2 trillion which includes interest of $900 billion. Balancing the primary budget would entail cuts of $1.1 trillion – equal to 20% of all spending including Social Security, Medicare, pensions and other mandatory spending. If cuts to Social Security and Medicare are excluded, the remaining budget would have to be slashed by 60%.
  3. Balancing the total budget – except for defense and interest – would require an immediate and permanent cut in everything else, including Social Security, Medicare and pensions, of over 40%. This also is an impossibility.

The ultimate hard truth is America is past the time when even drastic spending cuts can prevent a crisis. A BBA would buy us only a few more months of spending madness.

The ineluctable truth is that nothing will work no matter how the budget is defined because we have dug the debt hole too deep and we still are furiously digging it even deeper. If a meaningless BBA were to pass, politicians would spare no hyperbole congratulating themselves and Americans would be beguiled into believing something positive had happened when, in reality, it was a giant nothingburger.

It Really Is Not a Spending Crisis

Calling it a spending crisis is a misnomer. At its heart it is a moral crisis that cannot be addressed until Americans understand its gravity and are prepared to make some incredibly difficult and painful choices. The ultimate hard truth however is that we are well beyond the time even for difficult spending choices to make a difference. We can delay the crisis, but cannot prevent it. A balanced budget amendment would be nothing but a mirage to buy America a few more months of spending madness.

© 2023 George Noga
More Liberty – Less Government, Post Office Box 916381
Longwood, FL 32791-6381, Email:


Slavery Contextualized

Slavery Contextualized

There are more slaves today than at any point in history

OCT 29, 2023

The astounding and unexpected success of the powerful fact-based movie The Sound of Freedom has focused attention on modern slavery, which today is lumped together as human trafficking. Operation Underground Railroad (“OUR”), the organization behind the movie, leads the global fight against trafficking. OUR estimates there are 50 million people being trafficked today – the most at any point in history. Moreover, this number does not include the tens of millions held in peonage, or debt slavery.

Children constitute 35% of the victims. In the US today there are over 5 million slaves found in all 50 states of which sex trafficking constitutes 70%. Other common forms of twenty-first century slavery are forced labor, forced marriage, child soldiering and forced begging. Chattel slavery, the type common in the 19th century, also exists in many countries including Mauritania, South Sudan, Ghana and Libya. In some of these places there are open slave markets – just like hundreds of years ago.

girl in white crew neck shirt
Photo by Nathan Bingle on Unsplash

Slavery as Taught in Government Schools

There is much controversy about how slavery is taught in government (public) schools, with many teaching CRT and the 1619 project. Slavery, in all its myriad forms, is evil always and everywhere and it is right and proper for schools to teach children about its history and evils. The problem is lack of context.

Progressives, who have an ironclad grip on government schools, teach only about slavery in América. They divorce it from all contexts and fail to inform students about mitigating factors. As a result, students believe slavery occurred only in America and are ignorant of the often-heroic efforts to abolish it. Following is some much needed contextualization – some of which likely will surprise or even shock you.

Slavery in Historical Context

Slavery always has been a tragic, but inseparable, part of the human condition. It is thriving today and is even more profitable to the criminal cartels than illicit drugs. However, I am focusing on the period after the discovery of America.

From the 16th to the 19th century, 10 million slaves were shipped from Africa to the West. However, during that same time period, a far greater number (15 million) was sent east to the Ottoman Empire. Today there are many millions of descendants of those slaves in the west but virtually none in the east. Why is that? The slaves sent east were castrated and then killed when their usefulness ended. Thus eastern countries, which imported 50% more slaves than the West, do not have a legacy of slavery because there are few surviving progeny – due to castration.

Relatively few slaves were forcibly captured by European slavers. Most were sold by other Africans, even by their own families, making them complicit in the slave trade. The slave trade could not have succeeded without the active support of African elites.

“Selling one’s neighbors, and even one’s own children, into slavery is more condemnable than buying them.” Voltaire

Slaves were not limited to Africans. As recently as the 19th century, Barbary pirates captured and enslaved over one million Europeans. In America, emancipated slaves, who could afford it, also became slave owners.

The West Africa Squadron

There were many heroic actions taken by the West to end slavery. I will describe one of them – a massive, but largely forgotten by history, effort by Britain that spanned over half a century. Slavery was abolished in Britain in 1807 and they used the Royal Navy to wipe out the slave trade throughout much of the world.

Britain established a naval squadron to patrol the coast of West Africa; the squadron grew to include 20% of its fleet. From 1808 to 1860, the West Africa Squadron captured 1,600 slave ships and freed 150,000 slaves – at a cost to the Royal Navy of over 1,500 men. Some historians have declared Britain’s West Africa Squadron the most expensive international moral action in modern history.

© 2023 George Noga
More Liberty – Less Government, Post Office Box 916381
Longwood, FL 32791-6381, Email:


Make Government Regulation Optional

Make Government Regulation Optional

Who do you trust, government bureaucrats or the market?

OCT 22, 2023

If you like your government regulations, you can keep them. All current and future regulations at the local, state and federal level would remain in force. However, any business in America that so desires could opt out of all regulation – excepting only environmental regulations and natural monopolies.

FTX and Bitcoin

35 Years Owning a Regulated Business

I have firsthand experience with the perniciousness of government regulation as I owned and managed an investment company for 35 years. My business was regulated by the SEC, NASD, FINRA and by each of the 30 odd states in which we did business. The regulations were so numerous, complex, arcane and even contradictory that it was impossible to be in full compliance. I was perpetually at the mercy of any benighted regulator, who didn’t know the difference between a stock and a bond.

Despite all the lunacy, I would not have objected to the onerous regulatory regimen if it served its purpose, i.e. protection of investors. Instead, the regulations confused and harmed investors by giving them a false sense of security. Regulators behave in accordance with the tenets of public sector economics, i.e. they respond to personal incentives rather than the interest of investors. One need look no further than Madoff or FTX to grasp the utter failure of regulation. Madoff and FTX perpetrated multibillion dollar frauds lasting decades despite numerous regulatory inspections. Regulators even ignored tips that included detailed roadmaps to uncover the fraud.

Make Regulation Optional

Any business in America would be free to opt out of all regulation simply by prominently displaying the word “UNREGULATED” on all signage, letterhead, advertisements and any other materials. Businesses that choose to remain regulated could proclaim: “We proudly adhere to all government regulations”. It’s that simple. Opting out of all regulations means not just consumer regulation but terms of employment, health, workplace safety – in short: everything. For readers who want more details about how this works, I recommend a book by Charles Murray¹

The benefits from making regulation optional are breathtaking. It would save $3 trillion per year in regulatory costs and increase GDP nearly one percentage point annually.² American families would benefit as regulatory costs are over 20% of payroll. Moreover, the cost of most goods and services would plunge. Small businesses would thrive as large corporations use regulation to quash smaller firms.

Product Safety: Who Do You Trust?

There is a 130-year-old organization whose sole mission is to protect consumers. It has over 150 laboratories and employs 10,000 people, many of whom are scientists. It has evaluated 100,000 products made by 70,000 manufacturers. Of course, I must be referring to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission, the Commerce Department or the Federal Trade Commission. No, no and no; I am referring to Underwriters Laboratories, a privately owned company, no one is forced to use, that thrives solely by dint of its impeccable reputation. Many government regulations (including several states) shamelessly copy the standards set by UL.

Another private company held in high esteem by the public is Consumer Reports; founded 88 years ago, it is the most trusted independent testing organization in the world. CR has consistently preceded and outshone government such as with seat belts, cigarettes, microwave ovens, child safety seats, vehicle rollovers, lawnmowers, water supply, kerosene heaters and door locks to name but a few.

Businesses deliver quality, safety and value in many ways. The primary method is branding; when you buy a product or service, the reputation of the provider is on the line. Another method is franchising, with strict quality control imposed by the franchiser. A third method is independent rating services such as UL and CR noted supra. A powerful method is social media where just a few bad reviews can sink any business. As von Mises said, “The market is a democracy in which every penny gives a right to vote.” The most powerful force on earth is a consumer armed with a free choice.

So, who do you trust to have the consumers’ interest at heart – a faceless bureaucrat behaving in accordance with the tenets of public sector economics, or a businessman who will go the superhuman lengths to protect the integrity and value of his brand?

I choose the businessman; however, if you like your government regulations, you can keep them. What’s not to like?

1 – What it Means to be a Libertarian by Charles Murray – pages 60-78
2 – Published by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University
© 2023 George Noga
More Liberty – Less Government, Post Office Box 916381
Longwood, FL 32791-6381, Email:

Fixing, Privatizing, Replacing Social Security

Fixing, Privatizing, Replacing Social Security

Replace Social Security with American Birthright Accounts

OCT 15, 2023


This post analyzes three alternatives for Social Security: (1) fixing it; (2) privatizing it: and (3) replacing it with American Birthright Accounts, or ABAs. This post is a tour de force about Social Security and almost everyone will be surprised by what follows.

Fixing Social Security

Contrary to most beliefs, fixing Social Security (“SS”) is not rocket science. The following measures should bring SS into long-term balance.

Americans enjoying retirement
  • Gradually increase the full retirement age to 70 and the early retirement age to 65. Life expectancy has increased by 15 years since SS was first enacted.
  • Index the full and early retirement ages to future increases in life expectancy.
  • Change the index used for COLAs. The current index is based on wages and not costs. This change saves 1% each year – a humongous amount over many years.
  • Make COLAs one percentage point less than the index until SS is in balance.
  • Consider means testing benefits. I oppose this, but it may be necessary politically. Either way, this will not make much of a difference in the numbers.

All these measures will be implemented eventually because there are no other choices. Similarly, Medicare will be converted to a premium support model and Medicaid will be block granted to the states. Once again, there simply are no other viable options.

Privatizing Social Security

This option is better than fixing SS but – as you soon will see – is not as good as American Birthright Accounts. The main points about privatizing SS are:

  • Each person can choose between receiving current SS or a private account.
  • Privatization would be offered only to persons aged 55 or younger.
  • Funds would be invested in professionally managed and diversified global index funds and would not be accessible to beneficiaries until after retirement.
  • Estimating the one-time (gradual) transition cost is dicey; the last reliable estimate was $1 trillion and that was many years ago.¹ Even if the cost has increased to $2 trillion, privatization is worthwhile. That is equal to only one year of 2023 federal deficits – for which we have little or nothing to show.
  • The return on private accounts would be much higher than the 1.2% on SS.
  • Everyone owns his private account; the value of a median SS account is $400,000 to $500,000 at retirement – double that for a family with two wage-earners.
  • Private SS accounts are personal property just like any other asset. In a family with 2 wage-earners, nearly $1 million could be passed on to heirs.

Privatization is a light year better than fixing SS. The main criticism levelled by critics is private accounts are too risky. Barack Obama (following the stock market plunge of 58% in 2007-2009) said of George W. Bush’s 2005 plan to partially privatize SS:

“If (Bush) had his way, millions of Americans would have had Social Security tied to the stock market; they would have watched as their nest egg disappeared before their eyes.”

Fortunately, a study was done by the AEI² and published by Forbes Magazine³ that debunked Obama’s economic illiteracy. The Biggs study ran 100 simulations, and the worst case was that a worker, who began a private account at the very worst time, would have seen benefits reduced by less than 1% compared to SS. However, that same worker would have come out far ahead by virtue of ownership of the account.

Replacing Social Security with ABAs

I created the concept of American Birthright Accounts and first posted about it 5 years ago. ABAs could make every child born in the USA an after-tax millionaire at retirement and in today’s dollars. I am not flooding you with numbers, but all the proper computations have been made. ABAs would operate as follows:

  • At birth every child receives a professionally managed and diversified tax-fee account invested in global index funds funded by the government for $5,000.
  • Neither ABA beneficiaries nor employers are required to use their own funds.
  • An additional $500 per year until retirement would be added by government.
  • The account grows an average of 6% to 7% annually net of inflation. This is in line with the performance of markets over the past 100 years.
  • Prior to the full SS retirement age, the account will grow to over $1 million.
  • The account owner draws $5,000 per month tax-free upon retirement, $10,000 for a two-person household. This is equivalent to $150,000 per year taxable.
  • A couple could bequeath $2 million or more to their children or heirs.
  • The cost to the government is an infinitesimal part of the federal budget.⁴

ABAs compared to Social Security

A worker on Social Security earning the median income receives a real return of 1.2%. Upon retirement, the worker gets $13,000 per year after tax. Upon death there is nothing remaining. A person has to work many years to qualify for benefits.

The beneficiary of an ABA account has an entitlement by virtue of birthright, whether or not part of the workforce. Upon retirement everyone draws $60,000 per year tax-free and there is over $1 million remaining to leave to their heirs.

The power of markets versus the torpor of government

Aside from the breathtaking financial benefits of ABAs versus SS, there are profound social benefits. ABAs enable all Americans to participate in future global wealth generation and go a long way toward eliminating inequality. ABAs succeed due to the power of markets while SS fails due to the fecklessness of government.

ABAs would turn workers into nascent capitalists and give them a huge stake in the market economy. Progressives oppose privatizing SS precisely for that same reason, i.e. fear of turning workers into free-market capitalists. They don’t want to make everyone rich because it doesn’t comport with their nihilistic class warfare mantra.

The creation of American Birthright Accounts would be the most transformative economic legislation in US history, even eclipsing the Homestead Act of 1868 that made landowners out of working-class Americans. It would give a new and profound meaning to the words: Born in the USA!

1 – Estimate published by The Heritage Foundation
2 – American Enterprise Institute by Andrew Biggs, a resident scholar and former deputy commissioner of the Social Security Administration
3 – Forbes Magazine edition of April 13, 2009
4 – There were 3,661,000 US live births in 2022. Allowing for premature deaths, there would be 3.2 million new ABA beneficiaries. At $5,000 per account, it would cost $16 billion – equal to three-tenths of one percent of federal spending. The $500 per year varies with the number of accounts but at its maximum (in 64 years) would be $100 billion, or 1.8% of federal spending in 2023 dollars.
© 2023 George Noga
More Liberty – Less Government, Post Office Box 916381
Longwood, FL 32791-6381, Email:

The War on Western Civilization

The War on Western Civilization

Columbus Day 2023

OCT 8, 2023

My Columbus Day posts have become reader favorites. This post maintains the tradition while adding new material and perspectives. Also, since I began posting on Substack, readership has doubled and this material is new to many subscribers.

This post is the antidote to the progressives’ war on western civilization for which Christopher Columbus has become an unwitting lightning rod. Liberal Svengalis use Columbus to force feed our children and grandchildren far left shibboleths and claptrap and to despise America and indeed all of western civilization. They weaponize history with their mantra that America (and therefore you) is evil and genocidal and all indigenous peoples are peace loving and noble. They derive sadistic pleasure from assailing our holidays to riddle us with guilt and shame.

Christopher Columbus landing in new world

In much of the USA, Columbus Day already has been cancelled. At least 25 states, nearly all deep blue, now call it Indigenous Peoples Day, Aboriginals Day or Native Americans Day. In Colorado it is Mother Cabrini Day. Canada abolished it nationwide, renaming it First Nations Peoples Day.

Treatment of Indigenous People

What happened following Columbus’s discovery was the same that occurred throughout human history whenever any technologically advanced society encountered an aboriginal people. Through a twenty-first century prism, this is seen as evil. But it is manifestly unfair to single out Columbus or western civilization for condemnation of a human behavior that has been unchanged since men lived in trees.

What was the west supposed to do; leave America alone and keep it secret? The Chinese or Arabs eventually would have discovered America. Is there any progressive out there who truly believes this would have been better for the indigenous people? What would have happened if a technologically advanced Native American society, the Aztecs for example, discovered paleolithic Europe? What would happen today if we discovered a resource-rich planet inhabited by primitive people?

Aboriginals as Peace Loving and Noble

How could a tiny number of Europeans conquer vast territories and subjugate large populations? Columbus allied with the Arawaks against the Caribs, who were vicious cannibals. Cortez, with only 500 conquistadors, conquered the Aztecs with the help of 50,000 natives terrorized by the Aztecs’ brutal human sacrifices and enslavement. For sheer brutality, it is hard to beat the Aztecs. It is much the same with Pizarro, who had but 180 men when he landed in Peru. Yes, Europeans committed many lese majeste acts, but it is progressive bilge to focus only on those while ignoring or excusing savagery by the natives.

Columbus is Wildly Popular in Latin America

Although the latte-left labels Columbus an oppressor, he remains revered throughout Latin America, which celebrates the day Columbus landed as Dia de la Raza, or day of the race. While Columbus statues are being defaced and torn down in the USA, new ones are being erected in the rest of the hemisphere. In 2016 Puerto Rico erected a new Columbus statue that is taller than the Statue of Liberty. Those most directly affected by Columbus honor him.

“Without Columbus, Latinos as a people would not exist. By honoring the courage of Columbus, Latin Americans celebrate their own place in a world he made possible.”

Without Columbus and the Spanish colonization of Latin America, Latinos as a people would not exist. The rich Latino culture incorporates skin tones and characteristics of Spanish, Africans and indigenous Americans. By honoring the courage and bravado of Columbus, Latin Americans celebrate their own place in a world he made possible. Without Columbus there would be no Latinos!

Christopher Columbus is not the issue; he never was. The circus surrounding Columbus Day is part of a campaign by progressives to indoctrinate your children to despise America – and all of western civilization. Happy Columbus Day 2023!

© 2023 George Noga
More Liberty – Less Government

Post Office Box 916381
Longwood, FL 32791-6381, Email: