Political Correctness in America

Political correctness is cultural Marxism; its ultimate objective is to criminalize speech  liberals find objectionable. Freedom of speech ends where political correctness begins.

Political Correctness in America
By: George Noga – October 9, 2016

       The term political correctness or “PC” was coined by French philosopher Foucault in the 1960s as criticism of unscientific dogma. Its antecedents go back at least as far as Marx. In this post we explain what PC is, what it is not and how it can be defeated.

     PC is an election issue thanks to Ben Carson and Donald Trump. Resentment of PC (and green-washing) has been building for decades like pressure inside a pressure cooker. It has metastasized far beyond politics with hospitals now calling deaths negative patient outcomes. Many believed it would be with us forever until Carson and Trump blew the lid off and triggered a revolt of the politically incorrect.

      PC is not what you may think. It is not about politeness, good manners, social sensitivity, cultural awareness, inclusiveness, respect, caring, etiquette, deference, courtesy, civility, being nice or avoiding hurt feelings or slurs. So, what is PC?

     The best definition I have seen was by economist Jeff Deist: “PC is the conscious, designed manipulation of language intended to change the way people speak, write, think, feel and act, in furtherance of an agenda.” Deist goes on to assert that PC is propaganda and, like all propaganda, a lie. It abnegates the underlying reality such as by Obama calling Fort Hood workplace violence instead of Islamic terrorism. PC is about coercion, intimidation, control, totalitarianism, Marxism and Maoism.

     Thought police have existed for as long as demagogues have sought to control people. It may be different this time only in terms of how long it has persisted and the sheer lunacy of it all – as in triggering and microaggressions. Carson and Trump exposed the massive resentment festering among the non elites who are as mad as hell and aren’t going to take it any more. So, what can be done to kill the PC virus?

     The first step, as always, is to recognize the truth; hopefully this post helps accomplish that. Second, understand that the stakes in this struggle are high; PC is a long-term war for your heart and mind with the ultimate goal of eviscerating the first amendment and criminalizing speech distasteful to progressives. Third, fight back!

     In the battle against PC, humor, scorn and ridicule are effective; PC is such sheer madness that, deep down, even  liberals know it. Around Christmas whenever I see a store sign that says “holiday“, I make a point of asking a store manager which holiday it is; the reactions are priceless. Finally, please remember that our PC opponents are not idiots, they just have taken a long detour off the information superhighway.

The next post is entitled “Uber and Gay Marriage”. You won’t want to miss it.